Man Targeting Local Women With ‘Harassing’ Phone Calls

harassing phone callsTLS received information today regarding an individual who has been targeting local women with harassing phone calls of inappropriate nature. In one incident, a woman who received one of the harassing phone calls hung up the phone after the man on the other line attempted to set up an appointment with her, claiming he was interested in her all-feminine products.

The woman, shaken, then proceeded to call a relative who said that her neighbor had recently experienced a similar phone call.

“My wife said the conversation was set up so casual and well that she didn’t realize where it was going, until she hung up”, the husband of one of the targeted women tells TLS.

Women who receive similar phone calls are urged to immediately contact authorities with any information.

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  1. This is crazy!!! Why should, we (women) be targeted just because we’re feminine? This should be stopped at once! Did the male caller have a number he can be reached at? Someone should call him back, and stop him! This is crossing the lines of Zenus!! It cannot be tolerated, especially here in Lakewood!

  2. My wife received a phone call from a man trying to imitate a ladies voice & was saying that she is newly married & then started to ask questions (my wife realized what was going on & hung up on him). Who should we contact?

  3. Use your caller ID. If you receive a perverts call, notify the police with the number shown on your caller ID. If a call comes thru without a number, do not answer. If it’s legitimate, they will leave a message on your answering machine. Imagine if a child should answer this type of call?

  4. A real telemarketer knows that you never talk to the wife–she always says she has to ask her husband.

  5. I wish the Do Not Call registry was applicable to charities and mosdos. I absolutely hate it when I get those raffle and fundraising calls.

  6. How would this person know who he is calling?
    I am not sure how the law works with that, but at most it may be harrasment, on one phone call without a tape I doubt anymore than the cops tell him to stop it or else.
    I wonder who this troubled sole/s may be.
    Another thing I fail to understand why people accept abuse over their own phones be it this stuff or be it collection agencies or salesman calls charity.
    I just hang up, why don’t you?

  7. I heard an unbelievable story from a friend of mine who makes phonecalls for yeshivas.
    Someone once started shouting at and insulting him for having the chutzpah to call them.
    “Don’t ever call me again”, he screamed. Well, later in the week, my friend who is in Hatzolah, responded to a call for a person having a heart attack. It was the man who had screamed at him.

  8. A similar thing was happening in Monroe, Willilamsburg, and Boro Park recently. I believe the Shomrim of Boro Park and Police were successful in tracking down the individual. Maybe they should be contacted, as it might me the same person. The modus operandi definitely sounds the same.

  9. Maybe we should set up a place and public payphones for people who want to make these types of calls to stand…. in the downtown area, but not on clifton avenue.

    Then they can all make these calls together and everyone will be happy.

  10. What ?! In Crown Heights ?! Ppl in Crown heights also get harrassing phone from telemarketers calling for Mosdos ?!! I can’t believe it. Anyway, if the olam would pay the tuition + a nice donation @ the dinner, their sons/daughters’ school won’t have to hire harrassing telemarketing fundraisers.

  11. I once had a similar situation, I called the lcsw shomrim and they set up some kind of software on my wifes phone and a few days later they traced down the caller and we filed a police report about it.

  12. To # 15:
    I can empathise with your discomfortr in receiving fundraising calls which unfortunately you are not able to contribute to. but the discomfort should be due to just that, the fact that you feel sorry that you are unable to have a share in helping these needy causes. Your use of the term “”HATE” is inapropriate, and shows that you are not atuned tof the true needs of the soliciters. If your concern is that they may not truly be needy, keep in mind that most are legitimate, its a shame to allow the few others turn you into a hater). May you be Zoche to always have plenty for yousrself and to share with those who are less fortunate than you.

  13. there is a way to find out the real caller id from i for got what number you need to dial right after its a * with two digits call your local provider to ask what the numbers are. the number does not go to you but your local provider you then call them and they send the number to the police who will contact you.

  14. but we don’t know that it’s a jewish person. it could be anyone who picked up a directory and just decided to have fun going down a list of people to call.

  15. #34
    To # 15:
    I can empathise with your discomfortr in receiving fundraising calls which unfortunately you are not able to contribute to. but the discomfort should be due to just that, the fact that you feel sorry that you are unable to have a share in helping these needy causes. Your use of the term “”HATE” is inapropriate, and shows that you are not atuned tof the true needs of the soliciters. If your concern is that they may not truly be needy, keep in mind that most are legitimate, its a shame to allow the few others turn you into a hater). May you be Zoche to always have plenty for yousrself and to share with those who are less fortunate than you.

    Sorry, but some of these Hungarian sounding call it English mesages abiout tausend of dallas reffel, are unnerving, not being a local phone number nor a local name on caller ID, you have to be crazy to part with your credit card number.
    Do you really know that it is a legit moised on the other side of the horn.
    Come on use a little sechel, no one should be giving checking account numbers or credit cards over the phone to an unknowen person, on top of all it is ilegal for you to part with that info.
    It i,sn’t as if you called the moised & know the secretary’s voice, or you mailed it the moisad’s address.
    All these appeals that give you a PObox number on the envelope are also to be avoided IMHO.

  16. What’s the big deal? Its only a phoney call. Its harmless and I’m sure if we ignore him hell stop. The whole fun is thae “harassment” aspect of it. If we don’t get harassed by it he’ll stop. My wife got such a phone call and simply said “get a life” “grow up” and if you call again I’m calling the police. Naturally we haven’t heard from him again. Although I’m not sure what the police can actually do because just because a phone call is inappropriate to a frum person doesn’t mean its called harassment in legal terms. Unfortunately in the velt there are lower standards for what’s called inappropriate. My suggestion is to just put down the phone without saying a word let him babble into an empty receiver for 5 minutes until he realizes there is nobody listening and in the meantime you can do the dishes and do some laundry and by the time you are done he will be long gone!

  17. A guy called me for a babysitting job which i was unable to do. He then asked me for some phone numbers of friends which i gave him. Then he sent some really inappropriate text messages to my friends. he sounded like a regular guy……

  18. I heard an unbelievable story from a friend of mine who makes phonecalls for yeshivas.
    Someone once started shouting at and insulting him for having the chutzpah to call them.
    “Don’t ever call me again”, he screamed. Well, later in the week, my friend who is in Hatzolah, responded to a call for a person having a heart attack. It was the man who had screamed at him.

    That’s amazing! I got an automated call for a reffel for parnusseh, and I slammed down the phone! A week later, I had a heart attack, and guess who showed up and administered CPR? That same automated calling program!

  19. #42
    That’s crazy!!!! We’re in such a crazy world that we have to be so careful with giving out numbers. It’s not your fault, as you didn’t know what this guy is in for. But we really have to be careful who we’re giving out our friends numbers to.
    I know an innocent girl who was in line in the pizza shop, and a guy behind her asked to borrow her cell. She gave it to him and he called his phone so he can have her number on it, and a few days later this girl got really inappropriate texts and messages from this guy and his friends. These bored guys have nothing better to do in their lives, other than bothering innocent girls. We really have to be careful!

  20. #46-
    Excuse me! We could and should have cell phones! We drive and need to have a phone with us in the car in case of an emergency! We just have to be careful not to give out numbers…..
    Texting is a different story. No, we do not need to have texting on our phones. Texting just causes trouble!
    But cell phones we are 100% entitled to!

  21. #46-
    maybe it’s not WE who shouldn’t have cellphones.
    WE didn’t do anything wrong. It’s the ppl who are ABUSING the cellphones that shouldn’t have them!
    p.s.- the calls here seem to be the larger problem. what’s wrong with texting????

  22. Lkwd u shud just no it doesn’t happen just to the women. Unfortunatly it happens to the teenage girls too. A young boy asked my Daughter to babysit….. he gave a false name and an address that doesn’t exist in Lkwd… please be very careful where your daughters are babysitting. If the that person has a referance where he/she got your name from please call that person to verify that.

  23. I don’t understand this article. How does a woman answer questions that seem inappropriate to a stranger that calls??? I’m not trying to question anyone I’m just trying to make sure this doesn’t happen to my wife. Can someone fill me in please. What’s the catch? How can a person not realize until after she hung up? Something is missing to me in this story. I’m not sure how all the commentators seem to chap the story and I can’t make heads and tails of it.

  24. This dialogue was completely entertaining yet so sad at the same time. Yes, such stories are unfortunately prevalent today in every community, it would be nice if people in LAKEWOOD weren’t so naive!!!

  25. Outrageous and shameful how inappropriate callers and perverts are being compared to people who are struggling mightily to keep our Mosdos afloat. The chutzpa of them to call you while you eat your dinner….so that your son or your friends son has a roof to live under. You can be a mentch even a hundred times a week. If you can’t give , don’t give; but being nasty takes the air out of anyone who is struggling to cover and pay his Rabbeim. Just keep eating….your dinner…until you may need some help yourself….and then what …someone else’s dinner should be disturbed because of you???

  26. your story never happens unless a girl is dumb enough to hand her phone over to a strange guy and if ur daughter was younger than 9 yrs old, maybe she didnt understand not to hand over the phone. which shouldnt be her own cell. dont blame eo else. go teach your child not to hand her phone to strangers.

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