Main Street Intersection Shut due to Severe Potholes

clifton potholePHOTO: Police this morning have shut South Clifton Southbound at Main Street due to severe potholes.

A vehicle traveling through the intersection this morning lost it tire, and severely damaged his vehicle, an official said.

Police are blocking the road until the potholes are patched up, police said.


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  1. The roads in this town are terrible.

    I cross that intersection every day- why is it taking so long to fix? I’m not rendering to patches. Repave the entire intersection. Where are our taxes going to?

    Also I agree with a comment earlier- oak between Albert and New Hampshire is also terrible.

    • the township is either low on salt or does not have any more salt. What did they do with the increase in our taxes money? Where did that go?????? sure would like to know.

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