Local Officials Following Recent Incident: Do Not Leave Your Child Unattended In A Vehicle, Even ‘Just For A Minute’

child in vehicleOfficials have asked TLS to publish a public awareness announcement following an incident earlier this week where a Lakewood woman was arrested after leaving her child in a vehicle while she shopped. The woman was taken into custody in Howell after a patrolling officer noticed the child in an unattended vehicle in a parking lot. The woman was released a short time later.

Officials are asking the community to take the offense very seriously and never leave children unattended, even if it’s for a short while.

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  1. In another incident many years ago:

    My young daughter was left off the bus. I was in my car behind some. I then saw my daughter get in some mini van. It was unreal. I didn’t think I saw correctly. I wasn’t taking any chances. I followed the van like mad. It turned out that a neighbor took my daughter somewhere. I think the neighbor did so, so that my daughter should not be left alone. “Big favor.” Scared me half to death!

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