[LIVE 12-2] Beginning at 12 p.m., Social Worker Mordechai Weinberger LCSW will be answering your therapy questions – live on TLS.
To submit your questions which may be asked live on the air, you can call in during the show at 718-683-5858, or text your question to 347-927-8398. You can also submit your question in the comments section of this article, which Mordechai will read during the show.
Mordechai Weinberger is an experienced therapist for many years, and currently hosts a free phone line of various psychological programs that combine Torah and psychology. To listen to these Shiurim and to his daily questions and answers, you can call 718-298 2011. His Yiddish Shiurim are sold by Uvilechtichu Baderch in Batei Medrashi, and his English Shiurim are sold in Seforim stores.
What do you do with a child who has a severe temper and is over the age of 8? He says irrational things to everyone including his parents and siblings and is and angel in school. When he is in this state anything can happen. Thanks
How does one deal with a people that are too nice? I have a friend that makes me feel smothered. She is just nice to an extreme. It gets me nervous and makes me second guess myself. How do I handle that? Thanks for your show!
As the American mother of a son in the Israeli army (who I am very proud of), I tend to get very insulted and defensive very quickly when I hear anti-Israel comments. How can I keep calm? Also how do I live day-to-day without the constant worry shining through? I believe he is safe and Hashem is watching over him but now that the feeling is so close to home, I feel for all of those mother’s who have sons in the army and the worry and stress seems to be eating me up. Thank you so much and may we hear only good news.
hi! thanx for your amazing program! i was wondering if you can help us older singles with some tips to make this wait easier? shiduchim is on my mind all the time when i go to sleep when i wake up etc… its always on my mind and its extremely stressful especially when there is a long stretch of no shadchanim calling. i feel extremely tense , i clench my teeth at night , i m frustrated and feel angry many times. i think many or mostly all older singles feel the same way. do we all need to go to therapy or is there quick tips that can help us ? please help! thanx again for this extra ordinary program!