LFD Appoints Rabbi Moshe Rotberg As Chaplain

Rabbi Moshe Rotberg, author of Emergencies In Halacha, has been appointed as a Chaplain for the Lakewood Fire Department. Rabbi Rotberg, who was been advising the Jewish firefighters for some time, has accepted the official position during the last board meeting, to provide guidance and answer Halachic questions the firefighters are faced with on Shabbos and Yom Tov.

“We’re delighted to have him onboard”, Fire Chief Rodney Youmans says, and welcomes the move as the number of Jewish personnel in the recent years conitnues to rise.

Youmans says there are approximately 7 Jewish firefighters, and about 6 Jewish fire police on the Department.

Rabbi Rotberg joins Committeeman Meir Lichtenstien who has been serving as a Chaplain and Liasion to the Township for approximately 5 years. TLS. Photo credits: Lakewood Shopper.


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  1. dual positions! rabbi rotberg is chaplain at Lakewood hatzola and Lakewood Fire Dept and the unofficial chaplain of Lakewood First Aid

    he is one of the biggest rabbis in town knows alot in emergency medicine

    i learn his weekly column in the lakewood shopper every week and i cant tell you enough how much it changed my life

    rabbi rotberg may you and your family be blessed with a year of only good health, wealth and nachas from your children

    shana tova

  2. Rabbi Rotberg, may Hashem give you the strength to continue in all your work for the tzibur. You are a true kiddush hashem! We really appreciate your sefer as it has helped us out in many situations.

  3. Rabbi Rotberg you’re truly a baki nifloh b’inyonim ailu, bein mitzad hilchoseihen, bein mitzad ha’mitzius! No wonder you have so many chassidim fun alleh kreizen! Wishing you much hatzlocho in this endeavor and all your endeavors!

  4. Rabbi Rotberg you just continue to amaze! How you do it no one will ever know. Does everyone know that besides for being a baal mechaber seforim, rov of the coughlin shul, an esteemed msw, founder of redmont management, he is also an amazing baal tefilla as he davens for the amud every year kol nidrei, mussaf and neilah. He also was mechadesh many inspiring niggunim. Rabbi Rotberg really makes Lakewood proud! Wishing you much mazal and a gut gebenchte yur.

  5. Reb Moshe, may Hashem grant you the strength to work with these extraordinary firemen who risk their lives for us. I think you will take pleasure in working with them and they will have a great benefit from you. You are a genuine extraordinary and gifted human being who has contributed tremendously to our community. Wishing you and our special firefighters much hatzlochah!!

  6. What a great asset to the LFD ! R`Moshe may you have much hatzlocha in all that you do .Best wishes to all the fireman that serve our community every day and night!! We THANK YOU !!

  7. R’ Moshe,
    It’s nice they finally give you an official position. Unofficial Rov of Hatzola & Coughlin Street, but now official chaplain.
    Mazel Tov!

  8. We are all confident that you will be a great asset to the fire dept. Much hatzlocha with all your great work. Reb Moshe your dedication and meseiras nefesh does not go unnoticed…THANK YOU!!

  9. I don’t know if he has semicha but I can tell you that he wrote a Sefer with Rav SM Katz Shlita and another on his own. I also know many Rabbonim from all over who call him with these shailos.

    Does this mean all fire fighters get free marriage counseling? That may be an impetus for more people to join the force.

    In all seriousness thank you all the firemen who risk their lives for us. Thank you Chief Rodney for doing whatever possible to accomodate the Jewish members. Rodney is a real mentsch!!!!!!!

  10. WOW! the LFD is lucky to have such a great asset be a part of their team. You cannot imagine how much R’ Moshe does for people from all walks of life. his door is always open and everyone who enters his home feels welcome.
    Much continued hatzlacha in you avoda Hashem!

    – A lucky neighbor

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