We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Tzviki Levine Z”L, who was Niftar yesterday.
Tzviki Z”L, 29, is the son of veteran Lakewood Hatzolah member R’ Dovid Levine Z”L.
The Levaya will be taking place tentatively at 11:30 PM this evening, at the 7th Street Chapel, 613 Ramsey Avenue. The Kevurah will take place in the neighboring Bais Olam.
Shivah will take place at the Levine residence, 952 West Kennedy Boulevard.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes
I don’t know the family and never I heard of Tzviki z”l
but my heart goes out for the family and friends א זוי פול צרות ביי אונז יידין
Rapheal Tzvi
May hashem be menachem the wonderful family and they should know no more tzaar. May they have koach to continue and have much simcha
Tell me this is not happening. I’m in shock. Nebech.
To all those who didn’t know him. Tzviki was 1 of the most popular well liked people growing up in Lakewood. He is still loved and respected by all and we will miss him dearly. Bde
Tzviki was my Shabbos guest in LA many times. He was a wonderful sensitive young man. He will be greatly missed by all of us in LA who knew him and loved him.
May Hashem give his mother and family koach in these troubling times.
Refoel Tzvi was a model of chesed ,chain , always spoke bnachas,his kibud AV when his father was sick was legendary
BDE. Tzviki is one of the nicest people I have ever met. A true caring person. Had so many fine qualities that we can all learn from. The Levine family are all great people.
We can only daven that hashem should give the Levine family the koach to get through this difficult.
Ralph was a special neahama. His smile was contagious & his heart was felt by all. May his neshama rest in peace & may his Hashem give strength to their loving family.
rabbosai lets all be mispallel for our friends
we are on the footsteps for moshiach
nebech so much tzoras
hashem should help the family to know only from simchas
we should all be zoceh to the geulah bimhara biyomainu
The hundreds if not a thousand that turned out for a midnight levaya just attest to who Tzviki was and the Levin family is!!
מי שאמר לעולמו די יאמר לצרותינו די די די.
oy vey baruch dayan haemes nu hashem nu kabel tifeelusy vihuser meemenu yogon vahanacha
tzviki was my grandson’s best friend in yeshiva—-he spent many shabbos meals with our family and he a joy to have—we are so sorry for his family’s loss–bde