[UPDATED] We regret to inform you of the Petirah of R’ Chaim Aryeh Penzer Z’L, who was Niftar today. R’ Aryeh Leib Z’L, father of R’ Avrohom (Abe), was 94. The Levaya will be taking place at 11:15 PM this evening, at the Holocaust Memorial Chapel.
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The Levaya in Eretz Yisroel will take place Monday morning 9:15 AM at the Bais Hachaim in Bet Shemesh.
Abe, will be sitting Shivah and davening Shacharis and Minchah Monday (till around 1:30 PM) at Rechov Ohr Someach 14, Bet Shemesh . He will be returning late Monday evening, and will be sitting Shivah Tuesday and Erev Yom Tov at his father’s home, 1434 Madison Avenue.
Does anyone know if he is coming to Israel? If he is where is the Levaya and burial?
Sorry don’t know more details, but i believe that they are leaving either to catch an 8:00 am flight Sunday morning, or leaving lakewood at 8:00 am to catch a noon flight-
noon flight. he was a wonderful and real person. It was a privilege to know him. BDE and nichumim to the mishpacha who were so selfless in caring for him all these years. May he be a maylitz yosher for us all.
they are catching a noon flight from kennedy
The burial is going to be Monday morning 9:00am in Beis Shemesh in the Eretz Chaim cemetary
He is going to Israel they are leaving Lkwd at approx 8am I am not sure as to were the levaya will be his wise is burried in Israel as well.
are they sitting shiva in lakewood this week ?
They will be a minyan for selichos tuesday morning at 8:00