Letter: The LSTA

To whom this may concern,

I am a parent of children in a heimish run school here in Lakewood. I just want to make everyone aware of a 1 minute task that you as parents can do that will help save you and your school hours of work.

There is now an option to fill out B6T Bussing forms online for all of your children. Most schools will not inform the parents of this option as they do not want to promote the internet use. I am not promoting that either. All I’m saying is that if you sit in front of a computer at work (which is a large portion of Lakewood) you can take 1 minute to fill out the forms yourself for ALL your children in ALL Lakewood schools.

The website to fill them out is: https://www.lakewoodsta.org/portal. Instructions are on the website easy and quick.

Once were on the subject, I just want to thank the LSTA for all their tireless effort ensuring that every student has a bus to ride to and from school. Tremendous work goes in the entire year ensuring that our children are safely brought to school and home. Thank you to all those who are involved.

Again, I’m not one to say yes internet no internet, I’m just informing the public of a small service that they can do to help their children’s schools.

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  1. Can’t speak for other schools, my Son’s Yeshiva sent home a letter saying the opposite – LSTA will be only using online forms going forward. If one does not have the ability they can call the Yeshivas office and they will do it for them

  2. Thank you for this. My children’s school didn’t inform us of this. Just did it for my children in 3 different schools in lakewood. Took me under a minute.

  3. Ditto. It was a breeze. I came home and told my wife it was handled in under a minute. Saves tons of time for me to fill in each one, scan it etc… thank you LTSA

  4. For those without internet or phone you can go to any Western Union office & telegraph the information. The address is:
    L: •-••
    S: •••
    T: –
    A: •-

    • I tried but the guy behind the desk just turned to the secretary next to him and started snickering. He then asked me if I was stuck in the wrong century. My confidence was bruised and I have developed some trust issues.
      I blame this on you @helping

  5. Thank you so much for bringing this to people’s attention! You are correct that the mosdos are generally not informing parents so as not to promote internet use, but anyone reading TLS could surely do something more productive online (I know, there aren’t too many things more productive than reading TLS).

  6. While I know lots of hard work goes into bussing I think Lsta needs competition they go up every year in price they want 340 a month next year this is another tuition for most and takes a huge toll if you have many kids keh and ail is about $1000 in Jackson

    • If AIL is $1,000, that means Jackson (or any NJ District) will pay up to $1,000 per child for busing. The LSTA is doing a chesed by only charging you $340 per child, much less than the average cost. If they charged ABOVE what AIL pays, then you could (possibly) have a complaint.

      • It’s 340$ for the local non mandated kids (live too close to school), it’s not another tuition. It’s $34 a month. You can cut out your bouquet of flowers or dips, or you can pick up and take your kids if you find it too much. It costs much more than 340 for the year to give your child a seat on the bus.

  7. Thank you so much for this insightful information!

    I appreciate you not giving your opinion whether the internet should be used or not.

    Whatever you do, keep doing it Lshaim Shamayim!

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