Have you heard about the latest crisis? No, not that one, a different one. It’s a crisis that is so severe, people are getting their heads bent into pretzels over crises of which they actually know nothing about. It’s the crisis of crises.
If you’re confused, you’re not alone. So am I. I’ve noticed that over the past few years, but in the past year in particular, all I’ve heard about are crises. Issues that used to be just “issues” are now full blown “crises” that requires the input and insight of every person who has a distant, unknown relative that is somehow connected to this “crisis.”
Do you ever speak to someone on the street? Do you have a family member you sometimes talk to? Do you have a keyboard and an internet connect or the ability to write a letter and mail it? Perfect, we are looking for you and your deep knowledge of an issue you didn’t know existed until yesterday. That’s pretty much the attitude we have nowadays. Why? Beats me.
It all boils down to what I noted earlier: we have a “crisis” crisis. Anytime an issue pops up it is immediately labeled a crisis that requires a whole-of-community response and every Joe Shmoe to give their opinion, as if their pearls of wisdom are important, relevant, or anyway needed or beneficial to the conversation.
The facts, however, are simple and straightforward: yes, there are many issues that come up all the time. And of course that’s what happens – the frum Lakewood community alone numbers near 100,000. There will be issues that arise, there will be issues that need to be addressed; that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a crisis, nor does it mean that it has to be a matter of public discussion and debate.
All we are doing with labeling everything a “crisis” is getting ourselves worked up for no reason and conditioning ourselves to be on a constant lookout for the next crisis we can make a ruckus about. We are teaching ourselves that lurching from crisis to crisis is a way of life. It isn’t. Issues come up, issues are taken care of. Live your life and ignore the chatter.
And no, I am not referring to any specific so-called crisis. There are so many “crises” nowadays that you can pick and choose which ones are truly crises and which are just issues.
Is the “crisis” crisis truly a crisis or merely an “issue”? You can decide for yourself.
TLS welcomes your letters by submitting them to [email protected]
Excellent! As Chazal say, so wisely, BATALAH MAYVEE LIDEI SHIMUM, when we have too much time on our hands it brings “crisis”. Instead of focusing on the multiple “crises”, focus on the ONE, the ONLY ONE, Ain Od Milvado!
Hashlech Al Hashem Yehavcha, throw your “crisis” to Hashem, and He WILL Handle it.
The opposite of Bitachon/Menuchas Hanefesh is Stress/Crisis. Think about it…for real.
And this was such a “crisis” that you had to write about?
Gut gezukt. I’ve been using the term crisis crisis for 7 years already. The world has always had problems and there always will be problems. Hashem created an imperfect world for our good. Let’s just call issues what they are- Life. Not a crisis.
I’m happy you think you’re funny, maybe for people who have a real crisis and they try to voice they’re opinion
Maybe for them it isn’t funny.
Maybe your daughter is in school or high school or married or you can afford seminary
Maybe you don’t care that people can’t afford food and inflation is high
Maybe you don’t care that there’s a problem with the traffic and a problem with housing and a problem with workers and a problem with luxury and a problem without luxury.
But me and a lot of my fellow townsman do care and we want better not just for ourselves but for all of Lakewood and for all children of Lakewood.
Next time try to help instead of writing a corny letter.
Are you bored?
You are a Leitz. Learn Mishlei. Hashem doesn’t like Leitzim.
Listen, Mr. know-it-all, call the issues whatever you want. Each generation tackles their own problems. Call it whatever you want, Rabbi Leitz.
There are older singles desperate for a shidduch. Let’s focus on that alone. Some people refer to it as a “shidduch crises”. Maybe you want it to be called an “issue”. Therefore?
Is that really what is eating you up? Or is it the desire to get your piece out and feel good about it? Reminds me of what Shlomo said about the fool. He doesn’t want wisdom. He just wants to shoot off to everyone the little that he knows.
So you know that it should really be an issue not a crises. Good for you. Other people think it is a crises. They think if a girl is older and not married, it is a very serious thing. Sorry, but your whole message is shtus.
You, Mr. Letter writer, are obviously very young and have very little real-life experience.
When a person has an issue, and then, after months of trying, it cant be resolved, that’s a crisis.
Kids not getting into schools, boys or girls, is a crisis.
Thousands of singles, from all walks of life, is a crisis.
No place for people to live, is a crisis.
People don’t have adaquate parnassah.
Teens feeling disenfrachised and going astray, is a crisis.
The list goes on & on but to you it’s 1 big joke.
It’s OK – Life will go on until one nice day when you’ll realize: There IS a crisis.
Good Luck.
We, those who respond to crisises, happen to care deeply about our fellow man. How about you? Guess what? When Yidden are in tzaar Hahsem wants us to react. Not just sit idly by our brother’s blood and do nothing. Get a life
Aah… The old crisis of the “crisis” crisis. I must concur.
This “crisis” of crisis might be the biggest crisis we’ve confronted, and it will require a full throttle attack until it is overpowered by the forces of my Facebook, Twitter and other social media accounts, and until it is overcome by discussing the issue with the heads of the Mercaz Dicrisis Mosdos, and also by consulting over the matter with my next door neighbor, and with my best friend, Chaim Yankel. I believe we have the ability to confront this crisis, and we MUST confront this crisis, without reverting to loshon hara, and without getting into the details.
Thank you for addressing the latest crisis.
Hey wait….is this also a crisis?! Btw, there is a different crisis that nobody seems to be addressing; most people mispronounce the use of a plural crisis. In any case, thanks for bringing awareness to the latest crisis.
This letter is filled with incomprehensible gobbledygoo.
When as a community we ignore our “issues”, they become”crises”.
Thanks for putting a smile on my face! Very cute and good point.
I’m guilty as charged 🙂 definitely could use some work on our bitachon, anxiety and hysteria…!!