Letter: Parents, Please Ensure Your Children Are Wearing Helmets

Yesterday, I was Shmoozing with a Hatzolah member who told me about a child riding a scooter who was struck by a vehicle in Lakewood.

Luckily, the child was not seriously injured, but it could have ended in tragedy Ch’v.The child was not wearing a helmet.

The Hatzolah member then went on to say how he observed most children in the development riding around without a helmet. “90% of children were probably not wearing a helmet – it’s ridiculous,” he said.

With the rise of all kinds of electric bikes, scooters, hoverboards, segways and what not – combined with the growing traffic in town – it’s becoming increasingly dangerous to be riding around without a helmet.

While at it, please also educate your children about the dangers of riding these electric vehicles -I’ve witnessed one too many near-accidents with children just not paying attention to vehicles.

Thank you,

A concerned parent.

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  1. These electric vehicles are dangerous. Period.
    Ensuring they are wearing a helmet is a false sense of security. If a child is hit he can get seriously hurt with a helmet too. BH this one wasn’t so bad…

  2. My 4 year old son fell off his two-wheeler and hit his head on the pavement with a loud bang. Bh he was wearing a helmet. “Ma, how did i fall down? I was wearing a helmet? “

  3. Besides for cars please tell your children to watch out for pedestrians! My sister n law was brutally knocked down by a kid on a scooter. Pretty badly bruised!

  4. This is for AG if u are not able to control yr kids and ensure that they stay safe ur problems will only become bigger as they grow older

  5. Doesn’t surprise me at all. The sad thing is that a lot of parents don’t even know where their children are most of the time. They are left to their own devices with absolutely no supervision. I’ve seen little children walking around on their own. People really don’t seem to know what their real valuables are. Our children.

  6. @AG
    What does asking people to make sure their kids wear helmets (which I enforce fully in my house) have to do with coming to babysit your kids?!?

    Do you need us to watch your kids so they don’t touch the stove?

    Or run in the street?

    What were you trying to imply?

    Parenting is HARD but we don’t get off the hook so easily…

  7. another thing about electric wheels – children get no exercise from electric scooters, segways etc. bikes and scooters are so much healthier. If your child has something electric, please make sure to also get a regular bike, and make sure that it gets used as well

    • totally true!! i always say that hoverboards are the exact opposite of what we want our kids to be doing– they think they are exercising but they absolutely are not! rather they should be doing things that get them moving but are fun too, so that they learn to enjoy exercise.

  8. I had a horrible fall while riding as an adult, I hit my head and was knocked out but I know my helmet saved my life.

    Please make sure the kids ride in safe areas and wear proper equipment.

    @Brooke, adorable story.

    @AG If you can’t enforce your own rules, they shouldn’t be allowed to ride bikes. Yes, it’s hard when too many kids are running amok, but if you just get through their whining about rules today, you’re doing everyone the favor of raising good adults for the future.

  9. I’m appalled by some of the absurd comments above. Of course you must make sure your children are wearing helmets to the best of you ability. No idea why people are making silly counter arguments. Same for reflectors at night. Same for driving your vehicle in a defensive rather than offensive way for adults and all other potential dangers. Those that mock basic safety protocols have something seriously wrong with them.

  10. Anyone can train their children in proper safety rules. If they leave their helmets at home, they should leave their bikes at home, too. And reflectors are a must!!! Would you ever drive at night without your lights?!

  11. A little girl I know broke her leg when a neighbor who was riding a segway bumped into her.
    A kid on my block zoomed by on his bike and hit me pretty hard. He told me that it’s my fault because I was standing on the sidewalk!!

  12. To NG. It’s most likely a no- brainer when it’ll come to 2nd guessing how your neighbor drives a car & how the kid will eventually handle a car. Hazeet for your injuries.

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