Letter: Have We Become Immune?

I write this letter to myself, but I’m sharing it with your readers because it may resonate with some.

I’m not here to give Mussar or anything like that, but just want to share my thoughts.

When the war first broke out in Eretz Yisroel, there was a sense of worry that was palpable. Wherever you went, people were talking about it, looking for Kabolas, looking to do some extra learning, Tehillim and anything else they could to help our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel.

There was also an immediate drop in the amount of parties and events being held around town, and even those that were held for Tzedaka, were done without the whole pizzazz.

But recently, it appears as though we have unfortunately become used to news – immune in a way – to all that’s been going on.

“Another 14 soldiers dead…”

“Another six soldiers dead, dozens wounded…”

We hear about bloodshed, but at the same time we’re digging in to our meatboards and steaks, maybe even enjoying a good laugh from the provided entertainment at the particular event.

And it’s not just the events and ‘back to normal’ Gashmius that has noticeably rebounded.

In Shuls too, immediately following the attacks and ensuing war, we saw Tehillim gatherings with emotions fit for those who Davened as if it was their brother, sister, son or daughter being held captive in the hands of Hamas. Now, yes, we see Shuls continuously saying Tehillim, but how many of us are just saying it out of habit and on their way out the door, as if it were ‘just’ another Aleinu etc.

For those who have been following the news in Eretz Yisroel, in the beginning stages of the war, including in the beginning stages of the ground invasion in Gaza, we saw Karbanus, but the numbers were noticeably not staggering as would have been expected during such invasions. The Yad Hashem was clear.

However, the last couple of weeks in Gaza has unfortunately become a bloodbath, with dozens of soldiers killed R”L, and many others wounded.

Is there a correlation?

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  1. Tell me what do you/we do when you/we hear that 8 were killed & scores were injured in Israel? Nothing we put our heads down for a second & say to ourselves Hashem bring the גאולה & then we forget about it & go one with our lives. If any of us do care we only think about the dead, & we think injured means the beginning of an arrow went into his hand & the doctor must pull it out & he’s just bleeding a little, but you know something, injured is also 98% dead for life. We don’t care & do not know what it means to care for our brothers in Israel. over 5000 have passed away how many more is Hashem going to have to kill until we all know what it means to care for our brothers in Israel?.what about the sin of לא תעמד על דם רעך Don’t stand idly by as your brother is getting killed, the problem is WE DO. Anyone (of us) that has the power to do something & doesn’t is doing this sin you don’t need to be standing near the body. Maybe send some money to Israel, say a פרק in תהלים.

    May we all accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one nation so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov.

    • “We think injured means the beginning of an arrow went into his hand”
      Actually I haven’t thought about arrows since my last trip a long, long time ago heading west in my Conestoga wagon to deliver supplies to the Chabad of Tombstone, Arizona.

  2. As Rav Avigdor Miller said, inspiration is best kept to oneself, as soon as you broadcast it to other’s, you loses it. When we share our thoughts with other’s, it cools us down from those very ideas. This is why the big balei madreiga would only speak about topics they felt already a shleimus in.
    Let’s use the inspiration we have to make ourselves the best we can be.

  3. We need to wake up & it’s not ok, people are sleeping & going on their lives & not internalizing that our own brothers & sisters are in pain, Homeless, or grieving a loved one, I wish I new what to do to help us still be caring so much, I myself unfortunately got a little “immune” to the situation & I’m not happy about it, I know I need to do more

  4. Thank you so much for a wonderful inspirational letter.
    I am sure that if Rabbi Avigdor Miller
    זכר צדיק לברכה
    was alive today, he would definitely agree with this letter.
    I do not understand one of the comments above.
    Hashem please help us , please return to us all the remaining hostages.

  5. So many people are going to Florida for mid winter break!! What about toning things down and staying home when there are so many people whose life are upside down from the war! Why are we taking vacations and having a good time while so many of our brothers and sisters are suffering! Maybe let’s think about them and tone things down this mid winter.

  6. i remember when an important lady said that the worst part of the wars is changing jewish people into murderers. now our people are being changed into ‘dead’. i’m not sure which is worse. klal yisroel is crying and the rest of the world is clapping.

  7. I don’t think it’s possible to tell people not to go on vacation or have parties. Even in Eretz Yisroel, people are still getting married, making Bar Mitzvahs and even some concerts to boost up their morale. However, what I do think is possible is for people to put aside Ma’aser of their time and money to think about and donate to our brethren in Eretz Yisroel. Thousands of families have moved from the north and south, men drafted into the army and many have lost their Parnassah. Kollel sponsors are backing out and Bnei Kollel don’t have food for their families. If you are spending money on meat boards and vacations, set aside 10% and donate it to Eretz Yisroel. That will show עמו אנכי בצרה.

  8. I do not disagree with the letter, but an opposite point also needs to be made that sometimes people fall into magical/ocd thinking that is not healthy. We have to realize the reality of the situation and its natural results and still pray for any and all yeshuos.

    • Just as many people need this letter, there are also many people who need the opposite, chizuk to keep on going through their everyday life in spite of the trauma and fear. This letter isn’t for everyone.

  9. I too noticed I was getting immune, so I made sure whenever I see a headline about soldiers getting killed, to at least read and focus for a second on the name, age, and place of each soldier, instead of just scrolling by. It’s not much, but even that feels hard to do sometimes.

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