The following is a letter submitted exclusively to TLS by Rich Roberts: For Purim night, I will be giving tzedakah checks at our shul, Kollel Ner Avrohom, Inc. (KNA) on the corner of Case Road and Arbutus Dr. Here are the details: 1. Checks will be written as $25 per person with a maximum of $250 per group.
2. There will be six professional security guards to supervise KNA activities on Purim night.
3. There will be live music and food at KNA. All activities will start at 9:30 PM. Checks will end at 1 AM but dancing can continue until 2 AM.
4. There will be a member of our Kehila dispensing alcohol with a security guard supervising that function. No alcohol will be given to minors. No alcohol will be given to adults who appear overtly intoxicated.
5. The Ezras Noshim will be open with security guards to prevent any men from going to the second floor where the women will be.
6. There will be a second reading of the Megilla for women in the basement at 8:45 PM. After that, women should either exit the shul or go to the second floor to watch the dancing.
7. I will not be discussing tzedakah with anyone on Purim.
Those collecting tzedakah will have to fill out a very short form at the shul’s men’s entrance then proceed to the Bais Medrash for food and dancing, the checks will be filled out by staff, and the checks will then be sent to the KNA Bais Medrash to be distributed while people dance. I will be in the Bais Medrash dancing.
On Purim day, I will not be receiving tzedakah collectors. I want you to know that I feel very badly about this and I feel very conflicted over it.
For many years, I have pushed myself beyond exhaustion giving tzedakah on Purim. Over most of the last 10 years or so, on Purim afternoon, I collapsed with severe exhaustion.
For example, a few years ago, a friend of mine came to my home and found me lying on my couch on Purim afternoon, around 3 PM, with my limp arm hanging on the floor. He laughed and said “I see that someone started drinking early”. I told him that I had not consumed even one drop of alcohol.
By Purim afternoon, I am typically so fatigued that I literally, truly, can’t move my arms or legs. The fatigue has been painful. I mean this literally. I have been in pain from the level of fatigue. I have not attended any Purim parties. I have not attended any large Purim seudas. I have not gone with my sons to their Rebbes. I have not been able to visit with most friends and relatives. I have been a “tzedakah machine”, fending off pressing crowds, then I have collapsed Purim afternoon which ended my Purim activities for that year.
Last year for Purim, due to the stress in my life, I did not receive tzedakah collectors. I had a very new and unique experience (for me). I enjoyed Purim. I was asking friends if this is what happens for other people on Purim. I actually enjoyed myself. Instead of being a check-factory, I had an enjoyable time and I did not collapse on Purim afternoon. I did not deal with crowds of people pressing me. I did not deal with attempting to distribute one check every minute over a 10 hour period. I actually enjoyed Purim. I also saw what happens on Purim around Lakewood whereas I had only seen the inside of a few rooms of my home for many years of Purim before that.
Therefore, this year, I am going to try to strike a balance between a highly organized and supervised check-writing Purim night and then enjoy Purim day with my family, relatives, and friends. Part of me feels very badly about this, like I am letting down the Kehila, but there is only so much that I can do. I beg for your understanding and your forgiveness.
I wish you a Freilechin Purim.
Kasriel Roberts (a.k.a. Rich Roberts; Richard H. Roberts, M.D., Ph.D.; Dr. Roberts).
You should enjoy Purim, just like everyone else.
Thank you. May Hashem continue to send your the Koach you require. Enjoy Purim.
wow what a man! i wish i could come to lakewood to see this! dr. roberts a freilichin purim and a yosha koach!
Rich you are a very chashev yid who gives so much tzdukah May you have a freilchen and well balanced (a little tipsy from drinking and not from fatige) Purim
you should not feel bad you r a great person
Dr Roberts , thanks for all u do! cant wait to dance with u tonight!!! tizku l’mitzvos
kol hakavod !!!!!
May others learn from your generosity!
We the collectors all gain in the long run if you are giving in a way that works for youand allows you to hive happily. So as a collector I say please do not feel bad!
I am so proud of you!you the man richie!you rock. Enjoy purim. I’m so sad I can’t be there in KNA with you. I miss you!
Is this for real?
Just pointing out that the din of Matonos Levyonim is by day. You should try to give some Tzedakah then, too.
What an example of balancing Hashems mitzvos and your personal well being! I think many of us need to use this as an example to finely balance both and not fall to either extreme.
where is robert’s shul located?
enjoy the time with your kids and family. We are so busy with everyone else that we forget to focus on the real Jewels Hashem has the graciously give us.
B”H You have seen a real yomtov.
keep up your chesed but dont ever lose focus of your real riches. Your Family.
RRR I hope to have the honors of dancing with you on Purim. You are a Pushiter Yid that stands head and shoulders above them all. Be G’bentched
As a collector i wish that i could afford the same luxury of being home with my family, but the money raised that i wouldnt get any other day of the year i just cant give it up.
#17, if you truly are collecting for “your family” how is it that you have time (and $) to be online??? Makes me suspicious of how much you need the money.
#12, don’t be such a frumak… a Purim Rav you really are, since everyone knows you can give matanos lo’evyonim a few days before and have someone give it for you on Purim… You personally DON”T have to give on Purim day.
# 18 did i say im collecting for myself ?/ have you not heared of collecting for others ?
secondly your condesending nature that i have time to be online is not in the spirit of purim to add friendship i hope you rethink what you said and assumed.
I mamesh cried when I read this! Yidden we all need to tzedaka soon!
Gimme the millions and ill give up my purim chanuka and chol hamoed.
i also wont be able to give out millions this purim.please consider mr roberts apology as if it were mine.thanks for your understanding: M.D., Ph.D.; Dr.,Mlp,Kyu,Ji.j,L.op………..
Rich, you Rock. JH
I love Richy so much! The best thing about his KNA is that you can learn in the BM 24/7 and they’ll “leave the light on for you”. And they have so many seforim, and computers with databases to boot! Anyone who is mechazek people who learn the heilege Torah in their holy endeavors is to be highly commended and revered.
What is one supposed to do when they have young children sleeping upstairs, hang up a sign asking “Please knock”, and have group after group continue to ring the bell and wake up the kids?
#23- Are u calling me??
I was at the party. Non stop music, non stop catering of georgeous meat, kugel, hot dogs, onion rings, booze( with waiters refilling food and cleaning up. I challenge anyone to create a situation close to as beautiful and enjoyable. All this while massive amounts of your money gets given out. Thank you Dr. Roberts, I’m overwhelmed.
Other gevirim hire a gabai tzedaka to give out checks on Purim day. That way everyone wins.
For Rav Richy Roberts it is Purim all year round him and his family are non stop chesed machines 24/7 aside from the Tzedaka he gives all year round he runs a shul which supplies Ruchnius and Gashnius 24/7 all expenses and efforts sponsored fully by Dr Roberts himself than there is the night Kolel which he supports and runs out of his house and he greets every every single individual with a smile
Please tell us your Purim 2012 experience. How did it work out for you? Hope it went according to plan. What, if any, would you change for next year?
Mr roberts, please join me in supporting the local chesed organizations which need your help.
I think its amazing that you built a beautiful shul to serve hashem and you keep it five star. Keep up the good work. I like people that will do more for others then they do for themselves for example your family cant go away chol hamoed mine good. May hashem bless you & you family with only good.