Letter: Corporate Mishloach Manos

I have a management company where I manage large buildings for investors and building owners.

Every year come Purim time, I start getting huge expensive gifts from various service companies. I’m talking huge meat boards, expensive wines fancy expensive cakes etc.

They are sent from insurance agents, title companies, flooring companies roofers and the list goes on!

I penned this letter to express, that although I appreciate all the hakaras hatov some are trying to express, no way can I use a service company based on my personal gains. I have a most serious responsibility to the investors and owners of the buildings I manage, and must hire the most affordable, responsible and reputable companies to get the best job possible for my clients. I will never use a company based on his gifts he sends me!

I hope my fellow management companies understand the importance of what I’m saying as well, and don’t let shochad blind them for personal gains.

Lakewood manager

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  1. This speaks to a much larger issue and that is the fact that the עיר התורה has turned into the place people look to when they want to know the latest trends of the wealthy and pretending to be wealthy. Very sad indeed.

  2. this applies when we serve Hashem as well. Dont do a mitzvah in order to try and bribe Hashem. Serve Hashem because your doing the Mitzvah is important to Him.

  3. they don’t give you gifts so that you should give them contract they give you gifts so you have good working relationship…you are misreading this….absolute lack of hakoras hatov…ain roa…

  4. I would be more than happy to take those mishloach manot off your hands should you decide that you don’t want them. Hatzlacha to you.

  5. Another side of the coin is the vast amount of money that is spent on these huge corporate gifts! Again, Money that can be spent in a wiser way! Everything has become soooo huge that a regular gift or show of hakaras hatov doesn’t cut it anymore

  6. We all know that some people are not too excited about the over building.
    I thought of a nice idea:
    Maybe somehow hint to these guys that you would like Kosher LePesach Matzos for your Purim gift. A few Shuls that happen to be very close to your building project, maybe go over to the Rav and bring him the Matzos and kindly ask him to pass them on to the families that are struggling.

  7. All Comments here are against Mesorah: I am a very wealthy person who can afford to buy meat boards every day but my family lives modestly as many wealthy friends that I know. Getting on Purim something special even what is considered extravagant is appreciated.
    We find many places in the Gemorah where wealthy Talmidei chachomim made fancy parties and i am sure they gave tzedokah as well. Where does it say a person can’t enjoy themselves once in a while with fancy meat boards?? where does it say a person has to give everything to Tzedokah?

    • “I am a very wealthy person”
      Can you please explain to us your meaning for the word “wealthy”.
      A. Wealthy with lots of great wisdom
      B. Wealthy with lots of real good friends
      C. Wealthy with exceptional good health
      D. Wealthy with a good functional family and everyone in the family is getting along nicely
      E. Wealthy with children that are doing well in school

  8. Fake letter ,it’s a normal business practice that’s been going on for years even though it progressed a lot since the wine and pineapple days etc no one in there right mind thinks that they are getting hired based on gifts that’s a pathetic straw tiger argument and as a aside there are a lot of nice frum erlicher Yidden who’s parnnosa comes from these fancy Mishliach Manos and so stop being a killjoy Vee hut David Hamelech Gezugt laych Vnissparnisu Zu mee Zeh

  9. i enjoyed everyones comment everyone has some truth based on their life experience. might as well give my opinion, i think if it will help your parnassa go for it and hopefully everyone should use their gifts and money in the best ways possible between them and hashem. i think its just ossur to take shochad if you’re a judge but i might be wrong.

  10. Hes 100% right. Once you take bribery which -yes is what it is-you cant see clearly. He should send them to other people if he really want to be careful.

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