Leaf Pick-up To Begin Tomorrow

Tuesday, November 1st, the Lakewood Public Works Department will start the Fall Leaf Pick-up program, which will consist of two pick-ups. Residents West of Route 9 will have the first pick-up the first two weeks of November and the second pick-up the first two weeks of December.

Residents East of Route 9 will have the first pick-up done in the last two weeks of November, and the second pick-up in the last two weeks of December.

Residents are asked to rake the leaves to the street and place them along the curb line for the leaf machine.

After December 31st, an appointments must be made for a leaf pick-up. TLS.

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  1. can there be a system where the leaves dont sit around a the shoulder for weeks without getting picked up creating a hazard on the roadways

  2. to the honorary LPWD. i still don’t understand why we don’t have to bag the leaves, so that the drains dont get backed up, the streets are not congested from the trucks trying to pick up the leaves,and we wont waste money on all the extra trucks gas and workers for all the leaf truck/machines.

  3. to # 4 Because the landfill doesn’t take bagged leaves. The leaves would have to be emptied out of the bags. I think that would waste more time and fuel. I think the LPWD has already told us this many times before.

  4. to #5 come on youre smarter than that one guy to rip all the bags apart in the landfill is alot cheaper and less messy on the streets than all the extra workers and trucks.

  5. Can someone explain how this two week pickup window works? Lets say I see the leaf pickup truck on my block on day 1 of the two weeks, does that mean, they are done with my block for this two week period? Do they drive by every day?

  6. Thanks to the hard workers of the DPW for coming in an orderly and timely fashion to pick up the leaves. By the time they’re done, my block looks as good as new.

  7. All this is a waste of money. Most gardening experts recommend getting a mulching blade for your lawn mower and mulching the leaves into your lawn.You will have the healthiest lawn in the spring and summer. Let the leaves fall and once a week run them over with your mower. It saves alot of backbreaking work, raking and leaf blowing.

  8. its a way to bankroll the extra salaries at the bloated DPW.
    why can’t Lakewood bag the same way as all neatby townships do ??
    they use the same landfill so stop with the nonsense of having to rip the biodgradble bags.

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