Tougher legislation on talking or texting while driving will be considered by the Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee today. The legislation would convict people violating the law of either vehicular homicide or assault by auto if they killed or injured someone while talking or texting on the cell phone while driving.
The bill, sponsored by Paul Moriarty (D-Gloucester/Camden), Charles Mainor (D-Hudson), Gabriela Mosquera (D-Gloucester/Camden), Annette Quijano (D-Union) and Albert Coutinho (D-Essex), will alos discuss increasing the fines for offenders and could include a 90 day license suspension and increased points for subsequent violations.
“Too many people have lost their lives at the hands of drivers who were distracted while talking on, texting or checking their cell phones,” said Moriarty (D-Camden/Gloucester) back in February. “Taking your eyes off the road even for a few seconds to check your cell phone could make the difference between life and death, and for some of these families, it did in the most tragic way. Enough is enough.” TLS.
CONSIDER…They should have done this a long time(and many accidents) ago..!
we can lower state taxes if this law goes into affect just by having a police officer standing on any lakewood street corner
I totally agree with comment 1 and 2. I work in Lakewood and I see it everyday when I’m driving from Howell into Lakewood. I don’t know why it’s so hard for drivers to get Bluetooth I definitely have one. I hope they finally pass some law forbidding texting and talking on cell phones, especially in Ocean County! That is the number one cause of accidents on the roads such as: Eatting red lights and stop signs, hitting pedestrians whether adults or children. Keeping my fingers crossed on them passing tougher laws on cell phone usage.
Agree with #2,start stopping poeple on cell phones in LKWD. Traffic might get backed up from stopping cars with drivers on cell phones but it would be worth it to have safer roads.
I agree with 2 & 4 ,& than wait for all the complains about the Police .
They need to start clamping down on people using their selfish phones anywhere in public- I am amazed at the selfishness and rudeness that people who should know better display with these nasty little toys from gehinnom. They could be lifesavers, but almost always turn into excuses to ruin peace and quiet.