[COMMUNICATED] The Stoliner shul, located in the heart of Lakewood was built only two years ago. In this short time it has become a bastion of Torah and Tefillah, serving the needs of the local community in many ways.
From it’s beautiful Bais Medrash to the Mikvah and Simcha hall, it is a second home to many in town.
Each day tens of people come to bask in the ambience of a comfortable and bright bais medrash, hundreds of men and boys from the neighborhood are welcomed in to our shul each shabbos and participate in the davening and sumptuous kiddush.
In order to continue providing for the multitudes we must pay up the outstanding building debt.
To this end we were challenged by 3 generous donors to SOS Save our Shul!
They challenged us to raise $200,000 on the Yahrtzeit of The Rebbe Reb Yochanan Z”L of Stolin!!! The challenge was that they will all match dollar for dollar during the 24 Hours of the yahrtzeit up to $50,000. The matching donors will quadruple each dollar donated up to $200,000, so $1 = $4. But Here is the Catch!!! ITS ALL OR NOTHING… If we do not reach our goal of $200,000 in 24 hours, every donation will be refunded and we will not receive the matching donations.
The campaign begins at 3 PM on Wednesday.
this is so exciting!
there is no link in the article btw
Kol Hakovad!!
Nice new beautiful shul. Was there at there Simchas Bais Hashoiva!
Gorgeous shul. I was there at the Lag B’Omer fire and dancing. It was geshmack!!! Hope they make it !!
its an amazing place
I have been there a few times since they opened this shul, it’s amazing to see the Kol Torah at any given time!
May you have much Hatzlocha on this project!!
No link?! What’s the point?
great place, great tzibur, very gishmacka devaluing!!
hope they reach the goal and then sum!!
The campaign starts at 3 pm today and thats when a link will be added… Its a 24 hour campaign
Kudos to R’ Menachem Segal, Charidy’s Lakewood rep, for such dedicated service!!!! GO MENACHEM!!!