PHOTOS: As first reported here on Friday, Morris (Moishe) Katz Z’L, a world renowned Shomer Shabbos painter was Niftar at the age of 79. Today, residents from Lakewood and Brooklyn drove out to Long Island to ensure there was a Minyan for the Kevurah and to make sure Kaddish was recited for him.
“Someone who is liked on this world is liked in Shomayim”, a Lakewood resident who spoke at the Kevurah said. “Morris always made people happy”, he said.
“Morris, who was never married, was in 16 in DP Camps and didn’t have the chance we get, but by seeing how he maximized what he did Learn, Hashem would recognize what he could of been had he been given the chance with an upbringing we had”, the Maspid said. “His heart’s will was to spread Yiddishkiet as he is famous for painting Kever Rochel, the Kosel, Chassidim and more”. “That was what he knew to give over and glorified Hashem’s love in every home with”. “That was his Avodas Hashem and how he Learnt a Blatt Gemara!”.
At the Levaya, a student of Morris Z’L (pictured), held up a painting of his own, displaying what Morris taught him.
Moishe Z’L left over no family, and nobody to Learn Mishnayos for his Neshama. Anyone who would like to Learn Mishnayos in memory of Moishe Ben Mordechai Z’L, can use this chart to reserve a Mishnah.
May his Neshama rest in Gan Eden.
Editor please correct some severe spelling mistakes in your article. May his neshoma have an aliya.
Amen – May his Neshama rest in Gan Eden.
Morris was loved by all of friends. He was kind, gentle and caring. He loved entertaining people with his artistry. May G-d great him with open arms.
Morris was loved by all of friends. He was kind, gentle and caring. He loved entertaining people with his artistry. May G-d greet him with open arms.
Making sure that this article was written correctly in the spelling and grammar departments would have been a way to show a bit more respect for the niftar.
Editor, please check the link for the mishnayos chart, I wanted to take something in Moed, but I couldnt access the chart