The following is an ‘Ask The Chief’ question submitted to TLS, and the Chief’s response. Email your questions for the Chief to [email protected].
Dear Chief,
Thank you for the insight you provide in this forum, and for your service to the community.
Many have voiced concern about the alarming number of accidents in town involving pedestrians. Growing up in and around NYC, I have noticed a technique implemented to help ensure pedestrian safety. At intersections that commonly have a lot of people waiting to cross, the light is timed so that the people crossing get a green signal a few seconds before the cars do. This ensures that the pedestrians have ample time to enter the crosswalk and not get cut off by cars attempting to turn. In theory this should ensure that pedestrians get their right-of-way. I was wondering if this solution could be implemented at intersections in Lakewood that have lots of people crossing (ex: 9th st & Madison Ave, 9th st & Forest Ave, 4th & Madison Ave, ect.) ?
Thanks again,
The Chief’s Response:
It is possible that the Township could petition the State to see if it is possible for the ones on the state highway, unfortunately it is not an easy task based on the electronics in the controller housing and any associated engineering design. We did call down to Ocean County Engineering and no one was aware of any traffic signals in the area that operated that way.
Chief Meyer
Have a question for the Chief? Email it to [email protected]