The Lakewood Police Department P.B.A. Local No. 71 Annual Winter Coat Drive is underway.
The PBA has begun collecting new and gently worn winter coats and jackets for the homeless and less fortunate residents. Back to assist this year, is a group from Preferred Behavioral, as well as the P.A.L.S. Program of Lakewood High School.
Items can be dropped off at the Lakewood Police Dept. Watch Commander’s Office window. These coats will be given out during our Open-Air Soup Kitchen that will be held at Town Square (located next to the Police Department at 3rd Street and Clifton Avenue).
The event will take Friday December 8, 2017 at 12pm until 3pm. For more information, please call the PBA at 732-364-0071 and leave a message for Local President Mark Zrebiec or State Delegate Sean Ward.