The following is an ‘Ask The Mayor’ question submitted to TLS, and the Mayor’s response. Email your questions for the Mayor to [email protected].
Thank you Lakewood Scoop for the opportunity you give us to have a direct line to the Mayor.
We are so appreciative to both of you for all that you do to better the community and seek out its needs.
One simple question. Why does it feel like I need a TANK to drive down a lot of roads in this Town?!
As most of you can attest almost every road is torn up and they have these patches running down the middle but aside from that I’m seeing pot holes the size of little pools to craters.
Does everyone on the township not notice this when they are driving? I’m sure MANY readers have gotten into either an accident or a flat from them.
From places like the Right lane on Cedarbridge to neighborhoods like Arlington. I was there the other day and it was literally a roller-coaster!
I’m sure it’s like that in many many neighborhoods. How about side streets like 1st between Madison & Clifton?!
The roads in Honduras are prob in better condition!!
There should be enough funds from the HIGH property taxes to cover the basics like road repair. If not, (without raising taxes more) can we get township subsidized replacement tires if sustain damage from these potholes?!
If readers can back me up here maybe we’ll see some change, maybe.
Please see if there is something that can be done to arrange MAJOR pavement improvements around town. Ps, filling them one by one works for about 3 days till it’s right back!
Bumping around town in my 16’ Camry
Response from Mayor Coles:
Good morning,
Spring, or pothole season, is always a challenge. When the weather is still cold, we must fill the potholes with cold patch, which does not harden like regular asphalt and does not last very long. Now that the weather is warming up & the asphalt plants are running pretty much full-time again, the potholes will be filled with hot patch which will adhere and harden, even when driven over.
Have a question for the Mayor? Send it to [email protected]
Have a question for the Chief? Send it to [email protected]
Shoots, I was planning on taking my kids on some of these roller coaster roads for a Chol hamoed trip.
Any chance we can postpone the work another few weeks??
And what about the nails that are on all the roads from construction and make holes in your tires?? Over last summer, I needed to get 2 new tires from bolts that got stuck and i needed to pull out about 7 nails- spending a grand total of about $300 (2 new tires and $10 each time to pull out nails). I wish we would get reimbursed from the county.
Has the municipality looked at infrared fill in place systems?
I probably have the name of the system wrong
It’s not about patches these roads need to be repaved properly.
Try to make a right turn from prospect onto cross without damaging your car in ways we don’t even realize
This is an issue but we should always look for the positive. Before learning in Yeshiva full time I was an amateur bull rider in the North Carolina circuit. These roads remind me of the good ole days of yore. I used to argue which bull was the toughest ride but now I argue about responsibility for damages caused by a bull. My kids ask for the roughest roads so they can count to 8 while I try to keep my hand on the steering wheel. I wave my black hat out the window (I tried wearing a cowboy hat but was laughed out of the Yeshiva) while we all scream “Yah-Hoo Mountain Dew!” (I’m still under contract with Mountain Dew for a few more years)
Stop filling pot holes! Pave the road! Including prospect!!!!
Someone has to teach the guys from American Water who are digging up our streets that good ol’ boy scout maxim: Leave no trace behind
Mr Mayor, this isn’t about pot hole filling!
This about all the development and they open the roads to connect piping and DO NOT fix it! Look at prospect and other street. Ridiculous!
I agree with you 💯 percent
Dear Mr. Mayor
Please disregard the above letter and all the comments cept for the cowboy from Carolina. Potholes be like rumble strips on steroids – they is the best thing we got to slow all them rip-roaring daredevils round town. I can give you a list of all them flat streets so we can start havin the potholer truck come around n rough em’ up at night.
Dear Mayor,
Yes, spring is pothole season.
But that is not what this is about. These roads have been a wreck for YEARS. They needed long ago to be stripped and totally repaved.
Life in Lakewood is a Gan Eden compared to the first 1900 years of this golus. Expulsions, plagues, famines, blood libels, pogroms, inquisition, gettos, holocaust. Let’s appreciate the good we have in this town compared to just a century ago where we barely had a crust of bread to eat & were hounded by antisemites across Europe.
almost every road in Lakewood is torn up from pipes being installed you can not go down any road with out hitting a pot hole or major stripping down the entire road from pipes being installed the State County and Town should be held responsible for all the damage it is causing to your vehicle TIRES WHEEL ALLIGAMENT ETC. Why cant they do may be a few roads at once finish them completely and than move on to another project instead instead of making a major mess ouy of every road
Well said!
Love the comment. But construction never ends in Lakewood. Soon as a road is fixed. It’s torn up again with more construction, like Ocean Ave for example. So I say, what’s the point? Mayor Coles seems to be more concerned about saying yes to every project,but road repairs.
The roads need to be repaved, stop putting scotch tape on top of masking tape. Why don’t we have a 5 year plan to make sure that every road is repaved? Do we not pay enough taxes? On and what happened requiring the builders to repave the roads they dig up.
How about this? As a prerequisite to obtaining a permit to dig up our streets a survey of current conditions must be filed. The street must meet or exceed the condition it was in upon completion of that project. If not, that entity will be given the opportunity to correct it in a timely manner. If they don’t, it will be done by the town, and the entity charged ten times what restoration cost us taxpayers.
We do get quite a few million dollars in federal aid for infrastructure through Rep Chris Smith that could help take care of a lot of these issues. But it definitely goes to much more important new roadway causes as determined by the Township Commitee. This is public information and we should all be thanking the Committee for making sure to direct these funds to the real important needs if our town. Thank you .