Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles responds to your ‘Ask The Mayor’ questions: Cross and Chestnut Streets

The following is an ‘Ask The Mayor’ question submitted to TLS, and the Mayor’s response. Email your questions for the Mayor to [email protected].


Mr. Mayor thank you for all you do for our growing town.

Every driver has a pet peeve and I am no different. The intersection at River, Cross and Chestnut Streets is very busy throughout the day. I am not sure whether all these streets are all under the county’s purview, but the traffic the goes across or turns onto River Ave from these two streets backs up as there is not enough time for more than six cars to pass over River. Also drivers making a left turn onto Cross often wait do it after the drivers going south on River stop. Could some engineer look at what is going on there. Possibly, the right lanes should be for people going right or straight and the left lane should be a dedicated left turn. This might ease some of the problem.

Sign me: A driver waiting to turn left at River Ave.


Response from Mayor Coles:

Good afternoon,

I received your email and another one right before it about this issue.

It is an extremely frustrating situation. River Ave is a state Rd and both Cross & Chestnut are county roads.

I have a meeting with the county engineer and one of the commissioners on Monday. The purpose of the meeting is to get an update on where the county is with the open projects they have in town and to press them on areas we need them to make adjustments, repairs and expansion.

I will make sure we ask them to evaluate this intersection and see what can be done to adjust the timing to allow more cars to turn, without adversely affecting RT 9.

Thanks to both of you for your emails.



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  1. A big problem at that intersection on chestnut side, is that there’s a left and straight lane and a separate right turning lane, it should be the opposite, as it is virtually everywhere else.

  2. do what i do

    cut through the shopping center!! The mayor has got bigger things to deal with!!

    like the light by Cross and James, that backs up traffic on Cross for the 5 cars that come from James

    • It’s people like you who think they’re above the rules that make driving an even bigger pain.
      If everyone cut through the mall we’d need a traffic light there!
      Be a mentsch.

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