The following is an ‘Ask The Mayor’ question submitted to TLS, and the Mayor’s response. Email your questions for the Mayor to [email protected].
Dear Mayor Coles,
I hope this message finds you well.
Firstly, I want to express my sincere appreciation for your dedication to our town. Your commitment to Lakewood is evident, and it doesn’t go unnoticed.
I’m reaching out to discuss the necessity of establishing comprehensive regulations concerning construction site saftey and maintenance. Currently, the absence of strict oversight has resulted in safety hazards and a decline in our town’s aesthetic appeal. It’s crucial to address these issues promptly.
To ensure the safety and well-being of our residents, I propose implementing detailed guidelines.
This includes:
1. Keeping off sidewalks and roads: Clearly defining construction boundaries to prevent encroachment on public spaces, ensuring pedestrian and vehicular safety.
2. Protecting neighboring properties: Enforcing measures to safeguard adjacent properties from damage or disruption caused by construction activities.
Additionally, regular debris cleanup and the enforcement of safety protocols are essential to maintaining cleanliness and minimizing risks.
Thank you for considering these proposals and for your ongoing commitment to the betterment of Lakewood.
Concerned Neighbor
Response from Mayor Coles:
Hi Yosef
Hope you have been well
I share your concerns about this, and we are already working on it.
We are putting together guidelines and checklists for contractors, homeowners and our inspectors to address the issue of keeping the neighborhoods safe while home construction is being done.
I have been living through this on my street for the past several years, as 5 hours in my immediate vicinity have been replaced. It is wonderful to see families realize their dream of having a home that is sufficient for their families to grow and thrive in. It is also important to maintain the quality of life for the other residents in the neighborhood.
Thanks for writing
Have a question for the Mayor? Send it to [email protected]
Have a question for the Chief? Send it to [email protected]
And how about when the trucks block a lane on a busy street even though they don’t officially “close the street” and sit there for a while during rush hour and inconvenience a million people. Happened on spruce st twice last week
88 construction is also a problem, trucks park on the “shoulder” (there is none) leaving cars to squeeze by on the remaining roadway. I had my mirror knocked off last week. And I’m happy I’m not a neighbor to that site, trucks regularly park on their front lawns… The worst is the dumpster pickups, the truck backs in and blocks the road. I’ve seen cops stuck in the traffic it creates but they don’t do anything. Aren’t there existing traffic regulations about obstructing the roadway that can be used to stop this?