PHOTO: A Lakewood firefighter was burned during a flashover in a home fire this afternoon, officials told TLS this evening.
After entering the burning home, the firefighter was hit with flames from a flashover, and received burns to his ears, neck and arm, officials said. Two others were miraculously uninjured after they dove out of a window.
The officer was transported to MMCSC, and was expected to be released by this evening.
“He was in good spirits surrounded by his brother firefighters,” an official said.
Due to the injury, the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office got involved in the investigation.
As earlier reported, 16 people were displaced from the home, and were being assisted by Red Cross.
Authorities were on scene for hours investigating the cause of the fire.
[TLS. Photo: Benny Isaac]
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I don’t know where you’re getting your information from but it was 1 other firefighter that dove through the window not a police officer and he was not transported to the hospital, just the firefighter that was burned was transported.
Why don’t you tell us his name? Maybe we know him and would like to send a card? why don’t you ever tell us a person’s name?
Because they want privacy, that’s all. He’s doing well and that’s what counts.
dont remember so many firetrucks , police cars , the sirens were going for over 20 minutes. Thank you all for doing a great job.
houses are being built too close to each other in Lakewood. its G-d forbid dangerous.
Positive Thoughts for our injured brother. Thankfully all is well
How is it possible that 16 people are living in one house? If a standard bedroom holds two people, that house would need 8 bedrooms?
Isn’t that a serious living hazard?
Cathy, a more serious living hazard is homelessness.
@lakewooder it dosnt say “police” officer…the firedepartment has officers to i.e cheif, captain, leutenant.
@fellow firefighter you are exactly correct. it must have been one of them.
I’m aware that a fire department has officers,but it was NOT an officer that dove through the window, it was a firefighter, no fire officers were on scene when the fire flashed.
Quick recovery Brother.. this is why it is so important to wear all your gear, this could have been much worse!