A Lakewood boy has developed Lyme disease after a ticke bite, the boy’s father told TLS.
The boy was playing in the backyard last weekend when he received a tick bite.
“We live right near the forest – there are deer all the time in the backyard,” the father said.
Today, the boy was not feeling well, and his parents noticed the outbreak on his back.
A local doctor confirmed it was indeed Lyme disease and immediately placed him on antibiotics, the father said.
See important Lyme Disease info here from the CDC.
We have a big yard and so we pay 75 dollars every 3 weeks for mosquito control. It also eliminates ticks. Worth every penny…
I don’t know; they are unhealthy chemicals. There may an all-natural option, but not necessarily the best either. It’s probably worse for the children to have the spray than the remote possibility of ticks. There are other natural ways, such as certain bugs – maybe lady-bugs, which you can buy in a jar.
The boy should have a complete Refuah sheleima. Where do you get the service for $75? Thank you
Please see here:
A rash as a result of a tick bite is no proof of Lyme disease. Only a blood test can make a 100% diagnosis. It usually is taken 6 weeks after a tick bite since it may not show up till then.
I agree , that in the order to know for sure you need to have blood test. May be doctor wants nor to loose time and start medicine right away …..It’s also so many other simptoms that come along with it. Our son had Lyme disease and he had no rash at all , and we never even saw a tick bite to begin with , but one day he just couldn’t walk and his knees were swollen . The doctor said right away that he thinks it is Lyme d. , but only after a blood test he can give right diagnose . A month af antibiotics and our son was fine BH . But , it was very scary , because he couldn’t walk and had to be carried to school and up the steps . His body was week and his joints were hurting him . At some point he was complaining about his hand hurting and having hard time to move them . It’s was no fun , but BH since then everything is ok.
does the mosquito control work?
A bullseye rash is a sign of lymes disease even if no tick is found. A doctor would start on antibiotics even before the bloodwork confirms it.
One thing about tick bites is sometimes they are hidden in the most private areas. A few weeks ago I removed a tick from one of my children which was in the very private areas. At first I ignored it and told my child it had to be some growth or something as I never heard of such a possibility. A few minutes went by and my child was saying it can be a tick. I took a second look and realized that it indeed looks like a bug/tick. The tick was half in and half out of the skin. I called the pediatrician who confirmed that once they are on the body they look for a spot to “land” and this was NOT so unusual. This may explain why some people never see their tick.
Lyme disease is very serious. People who contract it suffer endlessly. It should be taken care of as soon as possible.
It is so important to check for ticks. My wife developed Lyme Disease . It was only discovered after both of her feet got swollen and were hurting to the point that she could not step down and had to crawl in order to get any where in the house . We never found the tick on her but that was in 2012. She still suffers joint pain from it today, 5 years later
Ideally ILADS is saying to treat a bite, even without a rash and without symptoms. Chronic lyme can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to eradicate or even to put symptoms at bay, if even possible. One bottle of antibiotics at the time of the bite should really be used to prevent the yesurim people unfortunatly go through. For some reason the CDC is saying to treat symptoms once they are present but a bite should really be treated with four weeks of antibiotics.
You can buy a simple bottle of bug spray (make sure it lists ticks) in Lowes or hone depot that connects to a garden hose.
My child developed allergy to red meat from a tuck bite.
@Leah c: just beware, ILADS is an alternative medicine group, their recommendations are not evidence based (and the issue they are pushing is “chronic Lyme”, completely unrelated to this case of acute Lyme, a real, evidence-backed, disease).
And to some of the other comments, yes, when there is a tick bite and the characteristic rash you can treat without a blood test. In fact, testing at such an early stage may be negative, as the ideological markers have not yet been formed.
* Serological Markers 🙂
@ jackson strong:
Can i have the name of the company that sprays for mosquitoes and ticks for $75?
It’s a good price.
Sorry I just see this. We use Mosquito Authority. We have never found a tick on our half acre of property. If there are ever mosquitos they come back for free. It is 84 including tick treatment.
@yankel: got to be funniest autocorrect- “ideological markers”. Which ideology do those ticks follow- Satmar, Tzioni, maybe left wing ideology?
Probably meant to say astrology markers…
Or meant to say serology markers. Autocorrect got me too!
You might be surprised as to where ticks might be found on your body. I found one embedded behind my knee a couple of weeks ago. It was a microscopic deer tick. When I used a mirror and tweezers to remove it,the tick was so tiny. In fact, it was just a speck. I put the tick into a small container of rubbing alcohol to kill it. It was not the normal size of the ticks we usually see here. Surprisingly, I also found one tick embedded on the upper part of the inside of my belly button recently. You have to check for ticks everywhere on your body. If you detect a particular itchy area on your body, focus on that area. That is how I found the tick behind my knee, and inside my belly button. Check yourself daily for wood ticks.Even though you may not live in a wooded area, they seem to be everywhere. My relatives in Brick,NJ have even had problems with wood ticks in their area-and they live in a development.