The Lakewood Board of Fire Commissioners adopted their 2018 Fire District Budget after a public hearing on January 8, 2018. The Budget has been forwarded to the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) for review and final adoption by DCA. Once adopted by DCA, the Board of Fire Commissioners will place the 2018 Budget on the ballot to be voted upon by the legal voters within the Township at the annual Fire District Election on February 17, 2018.
The 2018 Budget reflects Total Revenues of $6,310,957 which includes an amount to be raised by taxation of $6,250,980. Included in the 2018 Budget are the capital items listed below. It must be noted, all of the figures are estimates and the actual costs may be less, however, in no event will they exceed the projects assigned dollar amount.
1) Fire apparatus in an amount not to exceed $975,000. This is a combination apparatus that can be used as both a fire engine to provide water to the fire as well as a ladder truck to reach the upper floors of buildings. It will replace an apparatus with a 75-foot aerial ladder that is over 10 years old. The new apparatus will be equipped with a 105-foot aerial ladder to provide greater access to upper floors of a building. It will also be easier to navigate throughout the Township due to its greater maneuverability. The purchase of this one piece of equipment is a savings of over $1,000,000 when compared to purchasing both a fire engine and a ladder truck individually.
2) Brush truck in an amount not to exceed $225,000. The need for this truck is overdue as it will be used to replace the present 1953 brush truck. Due the smaller size and maneuverability of this vehicle, it is necessary to access brush fires that are inaccessible to regular fire apparatus, especially those brush fires in close proximity to current as well as future residential developments and other buildings. Additionally, due to its off-road ability, this vehicle will be used to respond to emergency incidents in developments under construction as well as recreational and wooded areas where access by larger apparatus would not be possible.
3) Chief’s vehicle in an amount not to exceed $65,000. The need for this vehicle is also overdue as it will be used to replace a current Chief’s vehicle that is over 10 years old. This vehicle will be properly equipped for use as an incident command vehicle which is critical to the establishment and integrity of the incident command system for ensuring the safety of emergency responders as well as the public.
4) Lighting upgrades in an amount not to exceed $36,000. These upgrades are part of a continuing project to enhance lighting throughout the eight fire stations. The cost of these upgrades is supplemented through an energy grant and the electrical cost savings upon their completion are anticipated to be substantial and offset the expense.
The Fire Commissioners and Administrative Staff, along with District Professionals, work tirelessly to address fire service needs so as to efficiently and effectively maximize fire protection within the community, taking into consideration the fiscal constraints of the taxpayers. The Budget adopted was within the 2% cap permitted by the State of New Jersey.