Lakewood Basketball Association Launches New Initiative For Children

By: L. Halevi. The Lakewood Ball Association (LBA) is gearing up for yet another successful season, and there is a new program on the horizon!

Besides for the regular 10 week track of leagues – men’s basketball, men’s baseball, men’s football and junior basketball – LBA is excited to announce a brand new track for children, LBA Training.

The new 8 week program, which will meet each Monday in the Tashbar gym, will focus on teaching children skills they need to play the game. Whether for beginners who are just getting started or for more advanced players who want to polish up their game, this program will give children a boost of confidence in their game, and in their lives.

LBA Training is run by experienced professionals from Precision Crossover, who will work with children to improve their dribbling, shooting, passing, footwork and other important skills needed to excel at the game,

Many adults and children have benefited from LBA’s competitive programs and the new Training program will enable even more children to take advantage of the challenging, yet rewarding benefits that participation with LBA provides..

LBA is for everyone! The adult teams are comprised of Lakewood area residents of all backgrounds and skill levels , from Kollel Yungeleit and Bochurim to Balabatim, and even Rebbeim and Mechanchim who recognize the importance of exercise and having a kosher outlet to unwind. The junior teams are comprised of 3rd – 8th grade children from virtually every Yeshiva in the community.

For more information, to inquire about sponsorship opportunities or to sign up please call or Whatsapp Shimon Friedman at 732-994-9780 or visit the website,

The new season starts soon, so sign up now – for yourself or your children- and be an active part of the LBA experience!

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