A student was hospitalized this evening after being struck by a vehicle which allegedly passed a school bus with flashing lights, according to witnesses.
Shortly before 10:00 p.m., the 14-year-old Bachur was getting off his school bus on Forest Avenue when he was struck by a vehicle.
Sources say the driver reportedly asked the victim if he was okay before leaving the scene.
Hatzolah responded and treated the boy on scene before transporting him to Jersey Shore University Medical Center. He’s said to be in stable condition.
Anyone with information about the driver should call the Lakewood Police Department.
It might be a good idea for drivers of a school bus when dropping off students at night to stop at an angle in order to block the road. At night the visibility is very poor in many areas even on Forest Ave.. Some of the bulbs need to get replaced and some bulbs are just dim. If you block the road, it won’t even be possible to try to speed up before the bus driver puts on his red lights.
If you can’t see a school bus ahead of you with flashing lights at ANY TIME of the day you should turn in your license.
Stopping at an angle is not only against the law but also will not help. Cars will try to go through the tiniest crack they can find, resulting in a child being hit or the school bus being hit, both causing an incident and needing the police (and possibly hatzolah). Drivers need to stop rushing for the safety of our children. Bus drivers put on their flashing lights before they even stop and open the door. Besides for their lights, they also put out a stop sign. Numerous ways to alert other drivers, yet other drivers don’t seem to care about the precautions. As someone who watched my own 5 year old almost get hit right in front of my house with the stop sign, stop bar, and lights all indicating that a child was getting off at that spot, drivers need to be cautious and obey the laws. Stop blaming the bus drivers all the time (not saying that in this case you were).
Instead of always coming up with terrutzim why people don’t obey the law, how about just obeying the law?
I pick up and drop off on a angel. So yesterday I was picking up on vine Ave and blocked the street the children started crossing and once they passed the little space not blocked a car needed to squeeze through that tiny space left as the children where still crossing. What’s up with people in this town?
Stopping at an angle and blocking the road is illegal and dangerous. First if you are at an angle your lights are not facing down the street. giving drivers less time to see them. Second as a driver you should know that it is against New jersey Law to do so. You are putting children’s lives at risk , even though you feel you are doing good you are actually doing harm. And if a child gets hurt while you are taking these actions you will be sued.
Passing a school bus with flashing lights, hitting a child, while at it, and leaving the site of an accident which resulted in bodily harm, before the arrival of police….
What was the driver thinking? Right, he wasn’t. This is going to cost him dearly, as it should.
In Marlboro, not only is an Armed Officer in EVERY School when in session, they have real unmarked cars randomly following ALL School Buses.
But this is Lakewood…..
Thoughts and prayers for the boy and his family.
WHY DID NOT THE BUS DRIVER GET THE CARS DRIVER INFO AND PLATE NO. ??? Did he at least call the police ??
There’s cameras inside each school bus. I imagine it wouldn’t be too hard to install outside cameras too on the stop sign!
Make a law that cars will lose their licenses for passing a bus dropping off students and it won’t happen as often!!
Just for the record, I know firsthand that the driver of the car that fled was not a member of our “community”!
The boy is bruised up but he will be ok.
Really? the driver left the scene of an accident?
whats wrong with people???
Schoolbuses should only be allowed to make dropoffs on the right side of the road, where they naturally block the road. It will make bus routes longer, yes, but it is better than this system, which gives children a false sense of security predicated on driver compliance which cant be assumed, and on top of everything causes a ton of traffic.
Kids should only be dropped of on the side of the street the bus is driving on, and routes adjusted accordingly.
I recently moved to lakewood, the way people passes busses is UNACCEPTABLE, I have never seen this in my life, it is a major issue here. It’s one thing not to care about covid, but just the negligence in literally any safety regulation is absurd. Frummness, Seder in yeshiva and Minyanim are NOT an excuse. If you are so intense about Yiddishkeit that you can NOT think about others or safety or have common sense SPEAK TO YOUR RAV and figure out what your TRUE Avodah should be. No respectable Talmid Chacham acts in such a way. Bnei Torah and Yeshivaleit are supposed to be an example of Middos and the Haspa’ah of the Torah on the way we act. this incident may have been an outsider, but I see our own everyday doing this. I cross streets everyday at crosswalks it’s UNACCEPTABLE when a guy races a pedestrian crrossing the street. IT’s going to cost you 5 seconds! make w a Chesbon Hanefesh of Yatza Schara Keneged Hefseido more often!
Please do not exaggerate . You are right that there is room for improvement, however, the vast majority of our community who drive in Lakewood are really truly exceptional responsible drivers. A few bad apples does not change the picture of an entire community.
To “Daily incident”: siyug L’chochma shtika. If you took the time to read, one of the people that commented here knows first hand that the driver was not from ‘the community’. I drive around town a lot. The vast majority of times that I encounter unsafe, annoying and/or illegal driving it is from individuals who are clearly not from ‘the community’. (Look back on the many serious accidents that have been reported on this site over the past year or more. In almost all cases, the drivers were not ‘from the community’ [and many of them happened on Shabbos.])
I read it and I wrote in my own reply that I understand this was not one of ours, as i wrote “this incident may have been an outsider, but I see our own everyday doing this”.
Perhaps the accidents that ACTUALLY happened were not done by our own, that does not validate the improper actions in driving that we do, just because we have not injured each other does not warrant reckless and dangerous driving. you use your Zechusim everytime you do reckless acts and Chasdei Hashem you have Zechusim to protect yourself when you do these things, it’s still reckless nonetheless
Give the driver a huge fine and license suspension, along with mandatory driving school at their own expense. A child is a precious gift.