Lakewood Baalei Batim To Head To Eretz Yisroel For Its 2nd Annual Yarchei Kallah

Members of the Shiur of Harav Lazer Apter Shlita and other Lakewood Baalei Batim will soon be heading to Eretz Yisroel for the 2nd annual week-long Yarchei Kallah trip. The trip – led by the esteemed Magid Shiur – which was attended last year by approximately 20 Baalei Batim – was initially intended exclusively for the members of the Shiur, but was since opened to other Baalei Batim as well.

The week-long event will feature Shiurim, Divrei Chizuk and ‘Shmuezin’, given by leading Rosh Yeshivos, meetings with Gedolei Hador from Yerushalayim and Bnei Brak, visiting Kivrei Tzadikim and more.

The group this year will be departing Sunday January 8th and return on Friday January 13. Last year, many from the group remained in Eretz Yisroel over Shabbos.

For more information about the program, you can contact 732-267-3450.


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  1. Reply to number one

    This is called recharging ones rucnies battery and gettin cizok it’s good for the nesuma and keeps a person grounded and focused on the important things in life Kol hkovad to the people who partake

  2. #1 that was a silly comment. I’ve spoken to some that have gone last year. This is led by Rav Apter who’s a serious and ehrliche magid shiur. The trip is all focused around ruchniess, learning and only that. I have respect for those that have the get up and go instead of just pushing thru life farvept. These are Bal Habatim who are kovea itim every day (some twice a day morning and night). How about a little praise instead of looking for ways to criticize something choshiv?

  3. I heard that last year was mamish maein olam habah! Btw, I heard that the ones who went last year from outside the shiur have joined the shiur. Ashreinu to all those in the shiur. These baalei batim represent the best of the best. An oilam with their priorities set straight. No wonder this shiur is growing in numbers like crazy!

  4. To Number 1…..i make a deal with you. you go with this chaburah and learn with them in EY. And I will donate $180.00 to BMG or Mir in EY, on your behalf. You will gain, and tzodokoh will gain. agree??

  5. This is a great group of guys @ an outstanding shiur. Last years trip was amazing & this year’s is sure to be, as well. May they have a great trip & kudos to R’ Avi for putting this all together.

  6. This shiur is a symbol of what it means to be a Torah jew. All of these Baale batim who have busy schedules show that what really gives them pleasure in this world is Torah. We should all learn from them. We look forward to greeting you here in eretz yisroel once again especially for the first time as a yarchei kallah talmid the great Rabbi M. Novoseller.

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