Reissuing a Rabbinic statement (Kol Korei) that was first published seven years ago and that remains relevant today, Agudath Israel of America is calling upon the community to exercise care regarding the custom of kapporos before Yom Kippur.
“Given the size of the community, and the large volume of chickens that will be handled in the upcoming days, the practice of kapporos needs to be conducted in a manner that ensures that proper standards of kashrus, cleanliness, and humane treatment of animals, as defined by halacha, are met. This can be achieved by patronizing only those establishments that are under appropriate rabbinic supervision.”
Click here to view the Kol Korei, signed by many Rabbonim.
this kol kore is about 8 years old. in general the Lakewood community at most are making Kapporos at my places which are under the strict supervision of rabbi Mordecai Betzalel Klein shlita the chickens are being feed and watered all the time. the shchita and kashering are at the highest standers. and there is no tzaar baaly chaeim at all.
mordechai ! your’e the man ! everybody should supprt mordechai !
Mr Schwartz I am looking forward to come to your center the service was amazing and the best part was that someone was holding the chickens for us
מרדכי הצדיק !
@mordechai Schwartz. Where is your kappara stand? I’m Looking to go only to a place that is humane to animals.
Thank you for providing latex gloves.
Mordechai Schwartz, the oldest and most trusted name in kaporos. He doesnt annoy his neighbors with his smells and the chickens actually get shechted and eaten, not thrown in the garbage.
Go modche and dont forget us in Kol Aryeh.