[Submitted] Introducing Lakewood Daf Yomi on Kol Haloshon, as well MP3 downloads.
Just 3 weeks ago, Klal Govoah held its first ever in-person shiur and livestream event of the reknown Lakewood Daf Yomi Shiur – streamed to many thousands around the globe.
[ https://lakewooddafyomi.com/
After countless requests (and even some demands…) for access to the Shiurim Lakewood Daf Yomi Shiurim for those who do not have access to the popular app and podcast, Lakewood Daf Yomi has now made it easier for all.
Now available on all Kol Haloshon phone and Torah Bank starting with Mesechta Brachos, past recordings will be added over time.
Additionally, all Shiurim are available for MP3 download via www.LakewoodDafYomi.com “Listen Now” option.
To access Sruly Bornstein’s Daf Yomi Shiurim by phone, call Kol Halashon
USA 718-521-5231
UK 0208-191-7000
IL 072-274-1111 or 03-6171111
1, For shiurim in english
2, For Gemara
1, For Daf yomi
17, for Sruly Bornstein
1, for Zrayim
X for Daf number
See link for more ways to access, view Kol Haloshon list
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Stay tuned for the next Klal Govoah event for Mesechata Shabbos!
after dialing 17 for the speaker, if you wait and don’t press anything you will automatically be presented with the most recent shiur.