Kerestir in Lakewood: Grab Reb Shayale’s Zechusim Right Here at Home!


Sponsor a Shabbos for a Tomchei Shabbos Family

It’s that time of year again. The yartzeit of Reb Shayale of Kerestir zt”l – the legendary tzaddik and baal chessed – is around the corner, on Thursday, Gimmel Iyar. 


Not everyone can make it personally to his Kever, but no worries, you can pay the greatest tribute possible to Reb Shayale by feeding and placing smiles on families in your community. That’s what Reb Shayale lived for – and still inspires Klal Yisroel to do nearly a century after his petirah. Even if you are among the fortunate who can make it to his Kever this year, his neshama would most certainly derive a great aliya if you help your neighbors in its honor!

Week after week, Tomchei Shabbos delivers food to over 1,000 families throughout Lakewood, Jackson and Toms River. Grab the opportunity to sponsor a Shabbos, or a month of Shabbosim, for a Tomchei Shabbos family l’iluy nishmas Reb Shaya ben Reb Moshe. 

No doubt, in this zechus, you will merit the tzaddik’s coveted berachos for banei, chayei and mezonei. 

It’s easy. It’s quick. CLICK HERE Or Please call Tomchei Shabbos’s “Shabbos with Reb Shayale” hotline at 732 276 9142. Enjoy the berachos

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