After the closure of the BMG Shuk was announced, plans were immediately put into place to open a new Shuk to enable thousands to benefit from the Shuk atmosphere.
The Shuk will be taking place at Lake Terrace.
Details to follow.
After the closure of the BMG Shuk was announced, plans were immediately put into place to open a new Shuk to enable thousands to benefit from the Shuk atmosphere.
The Shuk will be taking place at Lake Terrace.
Details to follow.
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Isnt there a very very good reason why the shuck is not opening this year. Why dont some people use their brains????
So now its inside which is even worse!
When will people in this town wake up????
How many people have to die for people to realize the sakanah of so many people on top of each other. Especially at the shim where everyone is showing each other all the bletlach etc
If the shuk at bmg is being closed due to coronavirus concerns who’s giving permission for this one to open up
I am amazed – the BMG Shuk is shut down due to heath concerns – why would someone open another Shuk???
Lets be responsible and play safe
I hope they mean in the parking lot of Lake Terrace with masks required
Thank you to all askonim for working this out!!
No one is forcing you to attend !
Thousands of us Have anti bodies
And need an Esrog .
We cant afford A 250 Esrog .
If you are rich and can afford it ,
or you are immunodeficient
Stay home !
Thank You for Helping the rest of us .
The Silent Majority Of Lakewood!!
What in the world is going on in this town? Does anyone care that we might be in the verge of an absolute explosion of COVID cases again??!!!! There are people in the hospital. There are people on ventilators. When do we plan on getting very serious about this? I know it’s tough but we need to stop schools, weddings, crowded shuls, parties etc! The Virus stopped for months because we became careful. Now it’s more important to party? It makes sense to have crowded Shuls and now have hundreds if not thousands of people sick?? What is going on here??
yay very excited, i think it should only be open for people that have anti bodys
I think BMG made the correct decision to close it would’ve been impossible to maintain social distancing
That being said who ever is arranging this better have protocols in place to enforce social distancing
We are talking סכנת נפשות if one person ends up hospitalized due to this shuk the whole business isn’t worth it we are living in difficult times
Theirs a reason why theirs a significant up tick in on covid19 cases in Lakewood as opposed to other locals which are stringent and strict about social distancing and wearing masks in public
We threw caution to the wind and are conducting our selves with out safety precautions
Covid 19 kills this isn’t a joke
I’m saying Kaddish for my father z’l
Who passed away from covid19
Not for naught does the Torah add the word ונשמרתם את נפשותיכם מאוד!!
Great news. Thank you to the organiser
Why haven’t the rabbonim come out and prohibited people from going to their parents as they did at Pesach time? It’s spreading and growing throughout Lakewood and the frum areas in New York. Are we looking for another “March/April”?
@hello ,
Please don’t jump schools together with your other precautions . This is not a zero sum game . There are essentials like schools that can’t and should never close . Then there are things like shuls . Spread out minyan , outdoors , masks . You still get to go to shul. Then there is the Kiddush which should be done with caution .
Don’t lump it together
I have no opinion on whether people should wear masks or not.
I just care about one thing: The school should not be shut down. So lets all do our histadlus so that the schools aren’t closed down.
it should be jn the blue ckaws stadium with social distancing and masks. I have no idea why nobody is wearing masks in shulls and stores.
A Bunch Of Wakos!
If you are scared to get Covid- STAY HOME!!
Nobody is making you come out of your house. So for the ppl that don’t care to get it let them do whatever they want.
A bunch of demecRATS
Naftali Malka will be selling after Yom Kippur this year in his main location (621 Sixth St.) with outdoor tables for social distancing. Please call 732-267-6462 for questions.
there are thousands of ppl with antibodies. noone is forcing you to come! don’t go if you didn’t get it yet. #commonsense