Kohanim flying from Eretz Yisroel to the U.S. via El Al will need to, until further notice, ensure there are no Niftarim on the plane due to a recent incident, Misaskim tells TLS.
A meeting was held this evening in New York between Misaskim and Hagaon Rav Yecheskel Roth Shlita, after a Niftar arrived in the U.S. from Eretz Yisroel today packaged in away that would make it non-permissible for a Kohen to fly according to Halacha.
“Rav Yecheskel Roth Shlita Paskened, that a Kohen may not fly with El Al if there is a Niftar on the plane, as there is no way of knowing for sure if it is being wrapped the correct way for shipping,” Misaskim says. “Therefore, a Kohen must check before flying to make sure that there is no Niftar on the plane.”
Rav Roth also stated that the Rabbonim in Eretz Yosroel have to deal with this, as they are the ones who will have to supervise it.
“This problem is only on the flights from Eretz Yisroel to America. The flights leaving America to Eretz Yisroel are okay for a Kohen to fly, as we are constantly checking to see that it is done correctly,” Misaskim said.
Please advise which Rabonim give a full hechsher on cohanim flying el al fton ny to tlv. The packing is done by goyishe workers in the cargo area and not necessarily is there always a tefach over.
Why would there be a nifter on a flight going to the US. Isn’t it the other way around….
To #2. There are instances were ppl visting EY and pass away suddenly ,are bought back to the US for kevurah
In the past few weeks there were few nifturim shipped back to the US and while doing a routine spot check a Misaskim rep notice the that they were without the card board outer boxes.