Jackson Councilman Marty Flemming Facing Possible State Ethics Investigation

Jackson Councilman Marty Flemming, who abruptly stepped down from his post as Council President last month, is facing a possible ethics investigation by the New Jersey Attorney General’s office, source familiar with the matter tell TLS.

As first reported by TLS in June, Flemming, who retained his seat on the council but is expected to step down in the next few months, is alleged to have held secret meetings with fellow councilmembers Nino Borrelli and Steven Chisolm in violation of the state’s “Sunshine Laws.”

The “Sunshine Law,” otherwise known as the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA), gives the public the right to be present at meetings of public bodies and to witness in full detail the deliberation, policy formulation and decision making of public bodies.

However, some are alleging that Flemming, Chisholm and Borrelli, all of whom are political foes of Jackson Mayor Michael Reina, may have had secret discussions to discuss their strategies surrounding Flemming’s announcement that he is stepping down as council president.

Reina, who has served as mayor of Jackson Township since 2008, beat Flemming in last year’s mayoral election by an 1,150 vote margin.

Flemming, who previously served on the Planning Board, was appointed to the council in November 2020 after former councilman Rob Nixon resigned.

The “Sunshine Law” applies to any “public body” of the state, including county, or the municipal level of government.

The investigation is expected to last several weeks.

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  1. Just once you should attempt to report, in FULL DETAIL, the news of ALL CULTURES..not just thisr of the original residents of Jackson. Open your eyes read the room.

    • Sick and atired, Please explain. The planning board, zoning board, etc. have completely forgotten about the “original residents” of Jackson.

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