IT’S OFFICIAL: School District Announces end of Non-mandated 2016-2017 Busing for Public & Non-public School Children

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So after all I pay in taxes the only service I’m receiving is garbage pick up. Wow!!
I don’t mind paying for private bus but why do my taxes keep going up??
This is really great!! Our “board of education” cant even spell the word FROM right…..
To – Comment #2 – Moshe – You’re right, they can’t spell “from” right. That shows how bad the school system really is when the administrators can’t spell correctly.
I think it’s time for a walk to school day. No carpool. No bussing. Show them how it will be…
Good morning lakewood. time to fight for something… first time in a decade or so… Come on y’all remember how to do it! Right?
@moshie& anonymous-they spell right – i.e.: most people don’t know what DNA means, which is why your probably confused. DNA stands for national dyslexia association. Thats just an example of high risk.
Wake up people. This is politics 101. It’s not for nothing that a letter goes out a few months before, gets everyone worked up and then magically a day before the world is about to end in the 11th hour it’s magically fixed. Wake up people!!!
Why isn’t the BOE cced on the letter? Did this go from monitor straight to business administrator, bypassing BOE?
To #1 – Chaim
Your taxes cover garbage pickup, police, fire and EMS services. It also covers road repair and snow removal. Your taxes also contribute to the public school system, should you need or want to utilize it. Unfortunately, we do not live in a system where tax payers can move money around and allocate where it should be used. There are thousands of childless people in Lakewood who pay the same taxes as you, yet they don’t complain that they should get extra services because they don’t use the public school system.
A large portion of my federal taxes go towards food stamps, Medicaid, HUD and WIC. I am lucky enough to not need any of those services, and yet I don’t demand extra services. I feel happy knowing that I contribute to a system, that as a whole, helps those who need it.
Where are our elected officials and leaders
Let’s all sign up for public school. I just don’t get it. We all come one day to register and just watch them melt.
When I was in high school a lot of people walked to school. 1 1/2 miles away. Never heard them cryibg
We must straighten out the summer before a fall comes.
Hameivin yovin.
In the opinion of many, If the school administrators would have listened to Mr. Seitler, Mr. Silver, Mr. Schwartz and myself this would have never happened.
I remember Mr. Schwartz being told in a meeting and I quote” don’t tell us how to run our schools” .
Well, see what you accomplished….
The only way to fix the BOE is to bring back, Seitler, Schwartz Silver and to come up with a budget that works for everyone.
We do not fear or serve Avoda ZOROH
LaHashem Hayeshua
funny how my last comment didnt get posted…
go ahead..everyone go register in public schools. it’d never happen–so stop threatening it.
From age 5 until I was 12, I walked 6 Blocks , 4 Times a Day(we went home for Lunch) to and from PS209, Ave Z in Bklyn. In addition I had Talmud Torah at the AVE Z Jewish Center most days from age 9 until I was Bar Mitzvah. Classes started at 3:30pm and depending on the season, I walked the 6 blocks home at night.
So let them walk. It’s good for them.
To #9, by thousands of Childless people, I assume you are referring to seniors, most of whom utilized the public school system at one point and currently have a lower tax rate.
This is unbelievable how is this going to happen. Isn’t Gus or the state able to help us. Please
This will continue throughout the summer. Then, JUST BEFORE school starts, the BOE will decide the “courtesy busing” will be back for all. However, there will be a SUBSTANTIAL increase in the busing costs as the bus companies will say they had to re-organize their system to accommodate Lakewood at that late date. (Just like it was this year – stop busing – start busing = more $$$$.)
TO: Hey Chaim #! says:
April 11, 2016 at 12:53 pm
You are correct in that we receive all the other services. However, approx. 50% of my $15,000 property taxes goes to the public school system. Since a large amount if not most, of the public school students are non-citizens, I will continue to request ‘extra services’ for my citizen children than have my money go toward the education of non-citizens.
In Brooklyn you have sidewalks and there are lots of people around. For my 6 year old son to walk to school he would have to walk down a road with no sidewalks and not many people around. Not safe at all.