It’s A Scary World Out There

By Avi Aaron. “” anarchists scream “blame the Jews.” “Turkey and Iran threaten Israel.” “Unemployment expected to rise to 13%.” “Pundits warn of riots in the streets.” It’s a hostile and dangerous world out there. We watch all these world events unfold anxiously as we ask ourselves what will the New Year usher in?! Nerve-racking? Frightening? Daunting? What is there to do?

Well here’s is something you can do about it:

The Chofetz Chaim writes that Hashem is willing to judge his children with mercy even if one has done the worst sins, such as Avodah Zorah.

However, if the “accuser” (a/k/a the Satan) is allowed to present one’s sins, the hand of Hashem is, so to say, forced to deal strictly with us and punish us for our sins.

However, we ourselves control the ability of the “accuser” to speak.

Inasmuch as we are treated by Hashem “mida kineged mida” – measure for measure, the single sin that permits the “accuser” to present all our other sins in heaven is the sin of “Loshon Hora”.

If one speaks slanderously about another Jew, the “accuser” is permitted to speak about him, and he is punished strictly for all his sins.

If one refrains from this one sin of Loshon Hora, the accuser is prevented from speaking, and Hashem treats us mercifully despite our other sins.

There is therefore nothing more important for one’s self and family before Yom Kippur than to do Teshuva on the sin of Loshon Hora, and to undertake to no longer speak or listen to Loshon Hora in the future.

By doing so, one will silence the “accuser”, and merit a good judgment for the coming year.

Chofetz Chaim Shmiras Haloshon Chelek1:Sha’ar Haz’chira, Perek 2, and Chelek2:Perek4

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  1. “Anarchists scream blame the Jews”

    These anarchists are aided and abetted by the unions and now Obama and the top Democratic leadership. I used to think that if we wake up and smell the coffee, we could elect good Republicans to stop this madness.

    I fear that it may be too late.

    We are coming close to the time when we will all say:

    “There is no one to rely on other than our Father in Heaven”

  2. This is why i was MORTIFIED when I heard there are Jews who support and or will vote for Obama.

    Watching the news a few years ago, it was reported almost half of Israel was for Obama….

  3. So you are willing to vote for the people that brought our country to it’s knees from 2000-2008. Now they talk about cutting all social programs that we rely so heavily on. They have religious fanatics running for office. Do you think these people are going to help the Jews? They will help the rich and large corporations. That’s why the smart Jew is supporting the protestors and Obama.

  4. Mr. Conservative:

    Many jews vote for Obama because they want to prove to people like you that they are not racists. If you would give jews a little more leeway and understanding, and not jump on them every time they say something, and call them racists, maybe then they wouldn’t feel the need to prove that they really aren’t racists. Then they would of course do the right thing and vote for the Republican.

    I suspect many non-jews would too.

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