Is There A Massive, Illegal Coverup In Jackson? | A. Webley

Jackson Shredders Working Overtime?Gloves off” promised Jackson Mayor Mike Reina to his local Jewish residents, while piously later restating that he meant nothing unfriendly about that. He added for good measure, now that the elections were behind the town, that it was “game on.”

Did Jackson officials put their “gloves back on” to destroy evidence and hide their fingerprints from appearing on illegal actions they seemingly took?

For the past few weeks, I have dug into Jackson Township’s efforts to prevent local Jewish residents from exercising their religious rights. That digging has led to the uncovering of troubling actions by some Jackson officials.

A new document set I just obtained suggests that there may be a huge and illegal scheme to destroy and hide evidence from the judge presiding over one lawsuit. In that lawsuit, Jackson officials are spending huge taxpayer monies to fight their own residents. Excerpts of those documents are below, which show that the shredding of documents appears well under way and that illegal redactions of OPRA documents seem rife.

OPRA Redactions – What is all the Secrecy About?

One might think that Mayor Reina’s conversations with Helene Schlegel, Township Administrator, regarding an Orthodox matter are matters of national security and that they are protected state secrets that deserve to be redacted. When the sequence of emails are reviewed, it shows the following: Mayor Reina says something to Helene. She exults with an exuberant response to him of “you are exactly right!” What did Reina write to her that evoked that response? That is top secret and had to be redacted. What was so ultra sensitive that Jackson is now choosing to hide it from the public now?

Did Reina say “time to stop the Orthodox?” Did he say “the Orthodox are vermin and lice?” as those he appointed to Jackson town positions have openly said and continue to say? What is the big secret that Reina and Schlegel need to hide?

We don’t know – as his email was redacted. Why? Here’s some advice to Reina. Don’t get angry reading this, just release your original document and we can all hope that you said something as innocent as “gloves off” and “game on” and then you and Helene have nothing to fear.

Document Shredding and Perjury?

In February of this year, an OPRA requesting information from Jackson Township was filed. The OPRA was regarding an ongoing lawsuit and the litigation process. Shortly after the request was put in, Jackson officials began destroying evidence, including email correspondences, many of which are believed to have been regarding the ongoing dispute.

Is that legal? Is it kosher? Don’t matters subject to litigation require preservation?

Jackson filed a document, signed by Janice Kisty, Township Clerk, that clearly stated that the document destruction request cannot be submitted if the records pertain to matters of litigation. Did Janice Kisty deliberately commit perjury, and is the town illegally destroying records, or did Reina and Nixon somehow conceal from her that Jackson Township is in litigation over these very matters? Did Kisty not know something which every aware citizen in Jackson knows – that these matters are in midst of litigation in both Federal and State courts?

While I am not an attorney, my understanding is that it a criminal act to deliberately destroy records pertaining to matters of litigation, and as such, those if anyone destroyed such evidence they deserve to prosecuted for it. Aside from it being illegal to pre-emptively destroy evidence that concerns an ongoing lawsuit, it is also illegal to delete records on which an OPRA request was made. By deliberately deleting these emails, Jackson officials may have broken not one set of laws, but two sets of laws in an effort to coverup their illegal actions.

Silence from Above – While Nixon Sneaks Around Your Homes

To date, law enforcement, including the highest officials in our county and state, have repeatedly ignored alleged gross misconduct and illegality in Jackson and Toms River. In both towns, officials wrongly targeted Orthodox Jews. Law enforcement and state officials failed to investigate targeted enforcement actions by Rob Nixon, who was creepily caught snooping around local Jewish homes. They failed to act against Township officials who selectively targeted Eruvs for removal, when other Right of Way intrusions such as basketball hoops and signage were long allowed to remain in the right of way.

Even in 2019, blatant discrimination, even if by elected or appointed officials, should be stopped. That is the job of the state officials. Will they act now?

Diversion of Tax Payers Dollars

State officials did not investigate the likely illegal use of millions of dollars of State funds in Toms River to urgently buy up open space, which Toms River officials openly admitted was not in their open space plan and which they also admitted was done to stop Orthodox Jews from moving in.

Will they act now?

Law enforcement failed to investigate dozens of other actions which we are aware of, many of which have been made public, all of which were apparently intended to keep Orthodox Jews out of their towns.

Redline Zoning – Violating Federal Fair Housing Act

State officials did not file suit against Jackson’s complete town-wide dormitory ban either.

Will they act now with the shredders overheating in Jackson?

State Ethics Boards Too Busy?

State officials allowed public officials to stay in office with no sanction – after those officials on various town boards openly spoke of Jews with hatred and disdain, many of which we previously documented in detail in prior columns. Can elected and appointed officials call a religious group vermin and lice and locusts and not be subject to sanction? Are we living in Europe in 1939 again?

The mainstream media has also ignored these actions, perhaps in sympathy to efforts to contain Jews in what to them seems to be a horrible Jewish town, which in their view clearly cannot be allowed to spread their “Orthodox Jewish disease” to Jackson and Toms River.

Time to Act?

Will seeming open destruction of evidence that is directly related to an ongoing litigation be deemed so egregious that it finally warrants scrutiny?

Regardless of whether our State and County officials finally act, this seems obvious: there is an ongoing, coordinated effort on the part of multiple Jackson officials to hide crucial information from the public. In English that might be called a “Criminal Conspiracy.”

Such misconduct should be appalling to anyone who believes in the rule of law, whether you personally are biased against Orthodox Jews and rant and rave on social media about how horrible the Orthodox are, or are a decent human being.

Concealing and destroying evidence, while “taking off the gloves” and game on” can lead the public to conclude that the crime is worse than the coverup.

The sheer amount of troubling information arising from my investigation into Jackson officials’ behavior is hard to believe, but there is perhaps nothing more concerning than the above. The efforts by officials to run and hide leads me to wonder just how deep down the rot goes.

There will be more to come.

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  1. Dear Ocean County Freeholders and PBA President,
    You have anti semitic employes in your midst.As our nation grapples with anti semitism in Congress please show us all that locally we do the right things.

  2. Let us all hope justice gets served and mike reina realizes his lack of leadership led to this sad reality ..are there any men in the room in Jackson? Are all elected officials controlled by anti semitism?

  3. Fyi Barry Calogero works as a federal employee of Donald Trump…maybe its time for Agudah to notify the White House to what type of bigot he is..rumor has it that he is worse then Nixon and Reina and thats saying a lot

  4. How ironic that the need for transparency by RIOC is all of a sudden not an issue. I thought they were just out to protect the law… not

  5. Can’t believe anyone is shocked by this. It was obvious from day one that Reina is a virulent anti-semite. Besides, what does everyone here expect? He has a whole town of anti-semites who can provide way more votes for him than our community, so he has to pander to them. Its simple. It’s all about the votes.

  6. At first I thought the headline was a bit much but the more I read the more I agree with the conclusion: There just may be A massive illegal Cover Up in Jackson. Which is shocking. To say the least. And embarrassing, or it will he when the plot gets exposed, that is.

    And stop referencing Nixon.
    Nixon was a good guy.

  7. It is clear that the officials involved are hiding something.
    Perhaps they should be removed as public servants.

    People should live in harmony.

  8. Reina fooled all the jewish residents of Jackson into voting for him last year

    newsalert He lied and used them conman

    who isnt suprised by this? he breaks all his election promises, every year– but eh can smooth talk sheeple.

  9. Email cloth [HRC]
    Nothing lost. All is visible.
    Love the new suit,
    Discovery+deposition = deception.
    Take the felony 101 class.
    Watch and wait.

  10. The comparison to pre WWII Germany is disturbing. Reina doesn’t want Jackson turning into a frum community. But the Germans wanted us dead. Comparing Jackson to Germany minimizes what the Germans did.

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