Is Pepper Spray a Self-defense Option for You?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWith the recent vicious assault in Lakewood, many have brought up the ‘self-defense’ topic. One legal and very feasible option, is pepper spray. Is it the right option for you?

TLS several years back – following back-to-back assaults in Lakewood – ran a report on the effects, options and legalities of pepper spray. Below are some of the findings.

The Effect: Pepper Spray is not an irritant. It is an Inflammatory agent. The difference is important. When you are sprayed with an inflammatory agent your eyes slam shut instantly. If you can manage to open your eyes your capillaries will be dilated and you will be temporarily blind. This causes the person to be vulnerable and dependent, resulting in easy overpowering (for example, by law enforcement officials).

Is it better to carry Pepper Spray or not? It’s the debate many have with any weapon used for self defense.

TLS spoke with an LPD Officer who wished to remain anonymous, for his opinion on carrying the spray.

“‎​It’s an excellent deterrent for an attacker especially for women,” he said. “The law allows its carry usually on a key chain-type dispenser for easy access and use. Its not fatal, and will help buy the victim some time to call police and get away from the attacker.”He added, “The law also allows for prosecution under an assault charge if a person uses it improperly against another person.” “My wife carries a nice pink one on her key chain.”

The law in NJ: Any non-felon 18 or over may possess for your protection “one pocket-sized device which contains and releases not more than three-quarters of an ounce of chemical substance not capable of lethal use or of inflicting serious bodily injury, but rather is intended to produce temporary physical discomfort or disability through being vaporized or otherwise dispensed in the air.”

Decide how you are going to carry it. There are flip tops, twist locks, thumb trigger, and gun grip models. Each has advantages and disadvantages.

Most police and other enforcement agents us a flip top canister. They have a guard over the button and it is protected from going off accidentally, but usually need to be n a carry case on the belt.

Twist locks are good for carrying in a pocket, if it has a good locking design.

Thumb trigger and gun grip models need to be in a holster of some kind and are larger. Not so good for the opera, but maybe good when hiking or camping. 

Carrying it around: You cannot carry pepper spray on board a commercial aircraft. This is a Federal crime that can carry up to a $25,000 dollar fine. It is ok to carry pepper spray in your checked baggage although it is highly advisable that you notify the ticketing agent when you check your baggage. Also since 9/11, you may have issues when carrying pepper spray into secured locations such as a Federal buildings, State buildings or anyplace where you pass through a security checkpoint.


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  1. For those who are looking for something to keep at home, consider Grizzly Bear spray ($25) which should work on intruders. It sprays up to 25 feet.

  2. Pepper spray, what u gonna do when they grab and use on you? You guys talking about guns sound like a bunch of wannabe hoodrats that’s never held a gun.

  3. Or maybe people can a learn a little self defense? There are a few basic moves that can be taught in one or two sessions and can get you out of 90% of the types of attacks most thugs would attempt on you. This includes knife attacks as well. The Karate Dojo in Jackson has a whole class on this.

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