PHOTO: Intersection of MLK & Pine Becomes 3-Way Stop

The intersection of Martin Luther King Drive and Pine Street is now a 3-way stop. Until now, the intersection, from the busiest intersections in Lakewood, only had a stop sign for motorists on MLK Drive. Last night, stop signs were added to Pine Street Westbound and Eastbound.

The vital change comes after several 4-way stops were added to some other crucial intersections, including the intersections of Princeton Avenue and 7th Street, Monmouth Avenue and 7th Street and at Hillside Boulveard and Kelm Way. The intersections have since seen much improvement in regards to traffic flow. [TLS-50/TLS-52/TLS-28/118]

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  1. A traffic light would make more sense. But, the new light on Forest and 14th would be better if it were a 4 way stop sign. It is very annoying to have to wait for a red light when there is no traffic. (I know the County put it there and not the township, but, it doesn’t prevent accidents from happening anyway.There is far less traffic there than on MLK and Pine)

  2. Not sure what to make about the princeton and 7th street one…
    do you know how far back princeton backs up around 2pm? way way worse than it used to be!!! Not only is princeton now backed up, squankum in BOTH directions are backed up much more because cars can’t get on to princeton… 🙁

  3. We should eliminate all traffic lights and stop signs. Ever hear of survival of the fittest? You can bet everyone will pay attention to the road and what’s around them!

  4. Can someone tell me what good traffic lights are? How many accidents have happened at the intersection of Rt9 and County Line? (That’s just one example.) Seems almost every week there is an accident there, even with the light controlling the traffic flow. I would love to do away with all “right on red”, which was instituted way back when there was a gas shortage.

  5. For one thing its much esier for me and my family to cross at this intersection now. The cross walks have been repainted and all the cars come to a complete stop.

  6. Horrible idea! They must take it down right away! So now the many more drivers who drive staright on pine st from both directions are gonna have to sit in traffic!! Insane!

  7. To Uh (and everyone else): STOP signs are never optional! It is a state law, a law in all states, that a vehicle must come to a complete stop-no movement, not rolling- look both ways and proceed when it is safe! ie: not vehicles or pedestrians oncoming. Pleae check your drivers manual for a review of this and the rules of a muti intersection STOP sign or flashing light.
    Have a safe day!

  8. Whats the point in adding the stop signs. Lakewood is a disaster of folks not obeying traffic controls. If you have traffic lights, they run them. People are in the crosswalks when the lights state “do not cross”, and when the pedestrian does have the right of way, they often cut across the lanes of traffic between cars. So you think a stop sign will help?

    If the drivers in Lakewood took the time to hang up their cell phones and just pay attention to driving, it could be a much safer place for all! A bustling community is no place to disregard traffic laws. It is a wonder more folks are not hurt. I drive with a Go Pro Camera every day on my dashboard just for this reason.

  9. Just a observation… You decide if this three way stop has helped any… Traffic this morning at 9 30 was backed up all the way to avenue of the America’s… And this is before the zman even begins

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