In wake of the recent incident of a choking victim at a Melaveh Malkah, TLS has teamed up with CPR FOR LIFE- a Frum CPR, Defibrillation and First Aid Training Company located here in Lakewood, to offer training for men and woman at a reduced rate. Those registering for classes during the next 30 days, will receive an additional $10 off the already reduced Lakewood rate, for the course. Special group rates are also available. To arrange a group in your neighborhood or for more information, you can call 732-804-2125 or 848-525-6857.
In Wake Of Recent Incident, TLS Negotiates Reduced Rate For CPR Course

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who gives the course?
another way to make money
why is it that only after someone almost dies or dies do people come up with these brain storms
its a a bad time that people start learning these things
Better late than never!
we have been teaching CPR anf FIRST AID for over a year now.
The one word u needed to spell correctly…..It’s CHOKING not chocking!!!….Thanks!
why negotiate with this company, why not go to the EMS department who also has trained instructors and can give great first hand experience. This is a department that should be used through out lakewood not just when needed for an emergency. I would bet they would set up classes for anyone of us.
Volunteer ambulance and fire services in many other communities offer these programs free of charge.
Why in Lakewood does everything have to be a business opportunity?
how about giving an EMT course.
Anybody who wants to be an EMT can go Sign up for the course. Its about $550 through community hospital. If you want it for free (with the exception of your time and hard work) join the vol. squad
I recently took a CPR and First Aid class that was taught by Lakewood EMS and it was great, I highly recommend it. I’m going to have my family and friends contact them for training.
I took a course with CPR FOR LIFE with BMG. He sold them the defibs and trained 40 Bochurim and Yungerman who learn in Yeshiva. Great Course!
#6 states we have been teaching CPR anf FIRST AID for over a year now.
What type of experience do they have if they only been teaching for a year. If I’m going to take a life saving course I would prefer to take it with a place that has experience.
stop bickering and get a life
if you want to take the course for free find a place that offers it and let the SCOOP KNOW for the time being sign up and get educated, the 30 or 40 dollars it cost is worth the life you may save.
btw CPR FOR LIFE Is highly trained and has been doing this for over 20 years.
Shkoyach scoop how much you making off this?