The Igud Hamosdos today has requested from all teachers and Morahs to accommodate accepting Mishloach Manos either before or after Purim due to the impending storm expected to hit Lakewood on Purim.
“As the exciting day of Purim draws near, they are forecasting 3-5 inches of snow. In order to alleviate the stress of the already hectic day, for those teachers that feel they can have students come by on Taanis Esther or Shushan Purim, it would be greatly appreciated.”
Police Chief Rob Lawson welcomed the recommendation as well, saying it would greatly help reduce traffic congestion around town.
Why not Rabbeim as well?
My kid’s Rebbi sent home a note that he is doing that.
I hope all the chashuva rabbeim and teachers take this to heart. This should be done for all levels of school, elementary through mesivta.
Please all rebbe im do this. Especially this year but also every year. Purim has become too much about driving around town.
The young teenagers should not be out running all over the streets ever. Especially in the bad weather. Come on Rosh Yeshivos. Please take some responsibility. Money isn’t worth a disaster c”v.
I agree but think of the little kids they wnt to go to their rebbi or morah in their costume.