[Updated list of Daf Yomi Shiurim near you] Today, hundreds of thousands across the globe have started, and are starting, Meseches Eruchin, the 29th Mesechta of the Daf Hayomi cycle. For your convenience, TLS has compiled a list of the Daf Hayomi Shiurim around Lakewood. (feel free to post additional locations or changes in the comments section).
Also, if you’d like to listen to a Daf Hayomi Shiur while in the office or wherever else you may be, click HERE to listen and see the Daf of the current day.
The Siyum Hashas will be taking place this August, at the Met Life Stadium.
please update
learn network kollel zichron mordechai yosef
new location
618 caranetta
shiur 5.45pm
Looking forward to saying Shema Yisrael with 92,000 Yidden!
Please add
Khal Yaakov Akiva – Raintree
5:50 am and 9:00 pm
another excellent shiur is Rav Shalom Rosner. http://www.projectsinai.org/daf_yomi/ In his shiur he speaks out all the yeshivisha reid on the blatt.
The shuir in Cong Me’or Hatfila, 142 Liberty, is no longer given by R’ Avraham Maizes, rather it’s given by R’ Avrohom Oelbaum.
Add Beis Medrash of Lakeview, Aspen / Boulder Ct., R’ Shmuel Yoffe, 7:00 – 7:45 AM