When holidays fall on Mondays or Tuesdays, garbage and recycling pickup will be pushed back a day (Zone 3 to Thursday and Zone 4 to Friday). Remember, bulk trash is only collected once a month in your zone so if a holiday occurs on your bulk trash pickup week, you will have to wait until the next month.
The holidays that will affect your trash, recycling, and bulk pick up this year are:
Monday, January 15: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Monday, February 12: Lincoln’s Birthday
Monday, February 19: Washington’s Birthday/ President’s Day
Friday, March 30: Good Friday
Monday, May 28: Memorial Day
Wednesday, July 4: Fourth of July
Monday, September 3: Labor Day
Monday, October 8: Columbus Day
Tuesday, November 6: Election Day
Monday, November 12: Veteran’s Day (Observed)
Thursday, November 22: Thanksgiving Day
Friday, November 23: Thanksgiving Friday
Tuesday, December 25: Christmas Day
Call the DPW for questions or an appointment at 732-905-3405 to have bulk trash (items, such as brush, metal, leaves, e-waste, and sanitation bulk) picked up. Besides calling for an appointment to pick up bulk trash, residents can also schedule a pickup at http://lakewood.mobile311.com, which they can save as an icon to make it an app. Although the app is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, the DPW is open Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., exclusive of holidays. All requests, however, will be viewed the next business day.
Zones Area by Street Locations
Zone 1 – Carey Street – 14th Street area
Zone 2 — Ridge Avenue, Ocean Avenue, Park Avenue
Zone 3 — New Central Avenue, Gudz Road, Miller Road
Zone 4 — Manor Drive, Erica Road, Lucy Road, Belgian Hill Road
Can the township send out letters to everyone in each zone telling us about the new scheduling change for year 2018? Not everyone was informed about the changes and because of it will have 2 weeks worth of garbage. Thanks.
Only bulk isn’t picked up regular garbage is just picked up the next day
I live in a zone 3 area where garbage is usually picked up on Thursdays. After seeing the garbage truck in my area on Wednesday and missing it, I was told that from now on My zone will get picked up on Wednesday. Why wasn’t a letter sent out? I’m sure other zones also changed in schedule and many people weren’t informed about it.
I subscribed to the township email system and WAS getting emails about all sorts of things … BUT that has stopped. WHY? It was a good way of getting updates and did not require the expense of postage.
Why doesn’t the township send out a garbage pickup calendar to each zone? The calendar will show what date regular and bulk garbage pickup will take place each week that year.
There is a holiday almost every week.
I don’t always remember when it’s a holiday, especially when for example –
Martin Luther King day is on Monday which means my regular Thursday pickup will be picked up on Friday.
Please make a calendar. Thank you.
To Hunch, Martin Luther King Jr day is ALWAYS on the 2nd Monday of January
To just saying- you mean 3rd Monday of January