One of the world’s most venerated senior Mashgichim will be arriving in the United States shortly for a historical national chizuk trip.
On Wednesday morning, HaRav Dov Yaffe shlit”a, Mashgiach in Yeshiva Knesses Chizkiyahu in Kfar Chassidim – preeminent talmid and successor of HaRav Elya Lopian zt”l – will be greeted at a kabolas panim in the Lakewood home of a close talmid, Reb Duvi Honig of Parnassah Network, who helped coordinate this special trip.
Rav Yaffe will be staying in the home of Rabbi Shlomo Chaim Kanarek, noted askan and Nasi of several Lakewood mosdos chinuch. On Wednesday evening, the Mashgiach will attend the wedding of the grandson of leading philanthropist Rabbi Reuven Dessler in Lakewood.
In recent weeks, rabbanim, marbitzei Torah and askanim from a cross section of communities have worked to arrange for the historical opportunity to meet Rav Yaffe and/or have him speak at their mosad. Merely the sight of a mussar giant of his stature leaves a lifelong impression on adults and children alike.
Many details of Rav Yaffe’s itinerary are still in the works – out of town trips are a possibility – but the following are the highlights of the Mashgiach’s schedule in the metropolitan area, where he will remain at least through next Monday:
On Thursday evening, Rav Yaffe will arrive at the 93rd annual Agudath Israel of America convention in the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Stamford, Connecticut. He will remain at the convention through Shabbos, delivering a major address during Seuda Shlishis. On Friday, the Mashgiach will hold private meetings in the convention hotel with rabbanim and marbitzei Torah. On Motzei Shabbos, he will deliver a shmuess in Yeshiva Bais Binyomin of Stamford.
On Sunday, the Mashgiach will travel to Monsey and deliver a shmuess in Bais Medrash Elyon, arranged by Rabbi Elazar Bodner shlit”a, son of philanthropist Reb David Bodner. He will subsequently travel to the Brooklyn home of philanthropist Reb Avrohom Wolfson and stay there overnight. On Monday, the Mashgiach will deliver a shmuess in Yeshiva Darchei Torah of Far Rockaway.
Widespread attendance from locals and talmidim from throughout the neighborhood is expected at the Mashgiach’s shmuessen in Monsey, Far Rockaway and other locations. The opportunity remains for rabbanim, marbitzei Torah and askanim from communities across America to benefit from the Mashgiach’s presence and the chizuk he will surely bring to us all, b’ezras Hashem.
To inquire about arranging a meeting or event with the Mashgiach, please contact Reb Duvi Honig at [email protected].