Hearing On Historic Perth Amboy Shul To Take Place Today – Lakewood Askonim Ask Residents For Their Support

A hearing will be held today in the Middlesex County Superior Court, after the current Shul members who wished to sell the Shul refused to appear before a Bais Din. Representing the historic Shaarey Tefiloh Shul, is Lakewood Attorney Larry Loigman, who will attempt to convince the presidium that the entire matter be turned over to the jurisdiction of a recognized Bais Din.

“Your presence and show of support would be a great Chizuk and will show the Judge that the Jewish community is behind our efforts”, Askonim from Lakewood involved in the case, tell TLS.

The hearing will take place at 1:30 PM, at 56 Paterson Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08903. TLS.

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  1. Can these Askanim please identify themselves. If they feel its an important issue let them put their name on it.
    A Askan without a name is not an askan at all.

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