Hatzolah Ambulance Breaks Down Enroute To Hospital

A Hatzolah Ambulance transporting a patient to the Hospital, broke down on the way, TLS has learned. At about the 6 PM on Friday evening, Hatzolah was transporting a patient to Monmouth Medical Center, when the transmission of the Ambulance blew. Being in the vicinity of Deal, Hatzolah immediately contacted Jersey Shore Hatzolah, who sent a replacement Ambulance to transport the patient.

Meanwhile, the Hatzolah Shabbos Goy traveling with the Lakewood Hatzolah members, phoned a tow truck to tow the Ambulance, and a taxi to drive them back to Lakewood.

A Hatzolah member tells TLS, the Ambulance, (pictured) is approximately 20 years old, and has approximately 35,000 miles on it. TLS-CCP.


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  1. wow what mesirus nefesh from our volunteers! leaving 6pm friday night while we are all enjoying our seudos and they are in an ambulace en route to monmouth. kol hakavod!

  2. To follow up on comment 3 not just do we have to have hakoros hatov to the members who are out on calls when we are all enjoying our seuda but we have to have tremendous hakoros hatov to the members families that have to wait , at times up to two hours to start their seuda ! THE SILENT HEROES OF THE COMMUNITY !!!

  3. can i give towards a new amblulance prior to paying my childs tution
    after all its pekuach nefesh [but then again if a rebbe wont get paid thats also pikuch nefesh ]

  4. # 13
    by adding on more members it will take the burden if the currently overworked volunteers and families will be able to spend more time together with totty.

  5. That ambulance is 20 years old its the first ambulance purchased new by hatzolah (all the other ones before that where alta shmata second handers)
    Just don’t understand why in ny they have people on a waiting list to give an ambulance to hatzolah but in lakewood its like pulling teeth just to get a simple donation people should be banging on hatzolah door to give at least the $104 but everyone seems to be passing the buck to the next guy and hatzolah is left with alta shmata ambulances.
    For shame

  6. someone has to step up to the plate and donate a new one i wish it was me but alas i just dont have the means to but maybe someone out there that’s reading this post that has the means to can donate one in honor of a relative that passed away
    if there is more than one person out there with the means don’t wait for the next guy to step up Hatzolah needs THREE new ones to replace there antiquated fleet so they can better service the community

  7. Hey I just noticed the link on the side of the page to donate and become a tomech Hatzolah
    PLEASE PLEASE if you did not send in your $104 do so now the money is desperately needed to buy new ambulances

  8. I hope they grt the money to buy a new one soon.But 35,000 miles in twenty years doesnt really make sense. Can someone clarify

  9. To #20 there are those who remember without BMG and even I remember Lakewood with the last 5000 families to settle here… I’m “just” saying!

  10. cant say for sure how many miles it has but this rig is 20 years old the first new rig hatzolah bought remember it well it was the hottest rig in the county then but that was a long time ago the desperately need new ones now

  11. I don’t get the logic behind not wanting to add more members.
    First of all there are areas and developments in town that have no members living there at all. And it takes time for a member to get there in a emergency.There are lots of qualified Emt’s that would join Hatzola if only they were let on to the force. Second ,The population growth is also a reason to keep up and add members not just for areas not covered, but an increase in volume especialy that many seniors are currently relocating to lakewood to be near their children. Some current members confided in private that they would be more than happy to add members ,However the desicion rests with the “Higher ups “. While some ridiculed the concept of bringing this issue up here on TLS. well this might be the only public venue to raise this issue.

  12. #25

    I remember back then the same members were on when there were fewer famallies in town. It has not gone up that much. More so some of the older members are technacily on the forse but there is only a handfull that are actualy responding.
    Just Sayin.

  13. Sour grapes again. Enough. Hatzolah does keep adding members and they do a great job. Every day and every night. Stop kvetching please. They may not want to take YOU or your friends because you are immature children who sit online and wait to complain. I for one would like Hatzalah to stay an organization of MATURE people.

  14. When your transmission goes do you buy a new car??? I don’t believe any of the hatzolah rigs are 20 (1992) years old possibly 15 (1997). This is not to say hatzolah dosnt need new ambulances with the growing community. Look at the fire dept some of there trucks are from the 1980’s.

  15. to mr what
    i know for a fact that that rig is a ’92 year model and i think it has in the 60000 mile range
    second the fire department doesnt put much millage on there trucks
    and the question i assume is if its worth putting money into something so old ,whats going to break next

  16. to all the posters that are complaining about not taking on new members (or just that THEY didnt get on ) the reason is simple hatolah just cant afford to take on new members. to outfit a new guy must cost them 3-4 thousand dollars and if nobody gives the money they cant take on new members
    giving money to hatzolah = new members
    giving money to hatzolah = new ambulances
    giving money to hatzolah = better euiptment
    giving money to hatzolah = better services
    giving money to hatzolah = a big mitzvah !!!!!!!!!

  17. THE REASON WHY HATZALA doesn’t take on more volunteers every day,they need each hatzala member to go on calls often this way they will have experience. If there are to many members each member will hardly go on calls.its expirience that make them good hatzalas.

  18. I remember maybe fifteen years ago when a hatzolah ambulance actually blew up on the way to Monmouth Medical Center with an eight year old patient in it. Boruch Hashem hatzolah of Lakewood has come a very long way since then.

  19. TO the guy who quesioned why this is a big story for us to know, the answer is in almost all the other comments. We have to know because Hatzolah has to raise funds for newer equipment. Yes, many of us are financially tight now, but for those who can give, they need to hear this information. Hatzolah comes through for us even when it’s inconvenient and we have to return the favor.

  20. Yes and in ny some neighborhoods have terrible response bec of that reason “let the next guy take it ” but when you have a balance of members to calls then they get answered right away
    Don’t believe me ask any honest hatzolah guy

  21. A solution might be to get the “wanabees” to get their parents to donate ambulances in exchange for getting them on, since they are so movtivated, perhaps they can go collecting for a nd present hatzala with that money, and tell hatzala, here is 100 or 200 or 300 thousand dollars please put me on hatzala, I doubt hatzala will agree to do this but it might be a solution

  22. Yes. Why is it that in williamsburg there is a waiting list of people of would be next in line to donate a new ambulance, and here in lakwood we have alta shmatyas? Why?

  23. why doesnt the township give them a new rig. look how much they save the township on the EMS side. The township only need 2 full crews in the day and 1 on the overnight to cover a town\city of almost 100,000 people. Dollars and cents the township is saving money.

  24. More members will translate in more money.If they show they realy cqre for the community and add members as needed in many areas people will respond with their wallets.

  25. do you realize the importance of a complete hatzolah force?? no one should ever need it but imagine if it would be you..plz plz donate the $104. you dont want after 120 Hashem to ask you why you didnt donate to Hatzolah??????

  26. a tremendous yashar koach to the deal hatzolah for being there for the lakewood community time and time again hashem should bless them for there good work

  27. First off I’m a bochur and am part of הצלה for 4 years ,new York hatzalah does not take every yokel,there are guide lines in all boro’s,before you open your mouth make sure you know what your talking about ,cause most of you don’t

  28. #43 you are absolutely correct except for that is not the only factor involved .

    1. certain ny area’s have a terrible system for choosing new members and you cant change it because they don’t vote..

    2. (moderated)
    3. in lakewood they transport to kimball so the entire call takes 20 minutes hence only 35k miles on the rig in 18 years but in ny a transport from marine park to Maimonides you have to count on a hour and half plus plus plus

    4. in lakewood certain members have complained that they MUST take the call or it will not get covered except from a distance ..is that fair to force someone who is volunteering his time ?

    last but not least and with all the bad you wana say about ny and yes there is plenty no arguing but when its a real emergency and when seconds count , you count on them being their in seconds no matter what because of all the coverage and that’s what it boils down to in the end. they will never tell you that a 7 minute response time is good enough because we want the old members to get more experience .

  29. #43
    lets say lakewood averages 4000 calls for the year ..

    4000 divided equally between lets say 45 so called active members is 88.8 calls .. 88.8 times average 3 people on every call is about 266 calls per member every year ( not even close to 45 members are covering 266 calls but this is just a example )

    in NY you required to take 15 call a month so lets say for arguments sake that New yorkers are not as dumb as you want us to think and 15 calls a month will pretty much make sure that your skills are pretty good .. so 15 calls at 12 months is 180 calls a year per member ..I know great members that dont take close to that but again this is just a example..

    266 – 180 = 86 extra calls for a lakewood member need to cover

    (( 86calls x 45 membes = 3870 —-3870 / 3members = 1290extra calls covered- – – -4000 – 1290 = 2710calls and 2710 calls divided by 45 members = 60.2222 x 3 members per call = 180 calls … ))

    1290 calls divided by average 180 calls per member = 7.1666 and time it by 3 members per call is 21.5

    please correct if i am wrong but it seems that Lakewood is short 21.5 members

  30. I totally agree we need more members as i have written before and others above. to #35 it doesn’t cost $4,000 to equip a member, if you have more members each one just uses up their equipment slower and the few things that expire its well worth it if you are going to save lives! and to those concerned about experience let them take on people from NY hatzalahs or other first aid squads etc. This is gettiong crazy that they usually have only a few members who actually are around and respond during the daytime hours and nighttime. for many older members it is to hard to get up in middle of the night also. many areas need coverage! Please take on more members!

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