Harav Yitzchok Kalifon to speak in Lakewood on Wednesday

[COMMUNICATED] A Preparation for Rosh Hashanah, by HaRav Yitzchok Kalifon, Shlit”a. An exciting opportunity for chizuk and behirus is coming to Lakewood Wednesday,

Sept. 5th at 9:15 pm with a shiur by Rav Yitzchok Kalifon, Shlit”a, formerly from Eretz Yisroel, now residing in America. 

Rav Kalifon will be speaking at the WOODS SHUL (One Stonewall Court off Cedarbridge Avenue) on how to prepare for Rosh Hashanah , using the very specific m’halach with which he has helped literally thousands of individuals, couples and families in Eretz Yisroel.

Having served as a Rov in Yerushalayim, Mashgiach and Rosh Chaburah in Yeshivas Mir Yerushalyim and Madrich Chasanim, Rav Kalifon has gained a name for being able to help people shteig through their nisyonos.

During decades of being m’shamash some of the most prominent G’dolim of Eretz Yisroel, Rav Kalifon has had tremendous success serving the Klal with insightful hadracha and da’as Torah. He has a special gift to help people understand how their particular issues can help them find the gadlus they aspire to.

For anyone seeking to strengthen his own ma’alos, this would be an optimal time to establish a kesher with Rav Yitzchok. He has years of experience in shalom bayis, health, parnossa, family matters, feeling more deeply in avodas Hashem, gadlus ha’odom and ahavas HaShem.

Now — just before Rosh Hashonah — is the perfect time to come hear how to reach true shlaimus in your avodas HaShem as well as menuchas hanefesh in personal, family and business matters. His talks in Eretz Yisroel have been very well attended and many have sought his hadracha privately.

Whether Kollel yungeleit, working chevra or bochrim, everyone stands to gain by hearing Rav Kalifon. Please join us (Men only, please)

Wednesday night, Sept. 5, 9:15 pm at the Woods Shul (One Stonewall Court off Cedarbridge Avenue)

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  1. Rabbi kalifon is a tzadik and I can testify I went through a very challenging time when I lived in Israel and Rav kalifon chizuk gave me the strength and courage till this day…10 years

  2. I know Rabbi Kalifon for many years now.
    I can say with out a doubt, that Rabbi Kalifon is one of the greatest MECHANCHIM in today’s generation.

  3. Rabbi Kalifon has changed my life and by default the lives of my family in ways that he alone can’t fathom. May he have continued koach and siyata dishmaya to reach many more people with his unique approach and methods. If you can make it to thsi event, I urge you to. You will be glad you did.

  4. I cant agree more. Rabbi Kalifon has made a huge impact on my life since his move to the Monsey area! If you can carve out the time, I encourage you to go and hear a most unique and refreshing approach to life! All that he quotes is always backed up with tanach, things that we are familiar with but never fully understood and utilized to explain what, why, and how we conduct ourselves in daily living.

  5. Will this be on TorahAnytime or recorded? Can someone post a link of a recording as unfortunately I cannot attend live although I would really like to.

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