[COMMUNICATED] Hearing divrei chizuk from HoRav Yaakov Sonnenfeld, Rov of Rechasim and an ainikel of the legendary Rov of Yerusholayim Rav Yoseif Chayim Sonnenfeld, is an opportunity that is hard to pass up. Rav Sonnenfeld, who was a close talmid of Rav Shach zt”l, is revered not only as an extraordinary talmid chochom but also as an insightful pikayach and ba’al eitzah. Rav Sonnenfeld consented to endure the strain of the trip for the purpose of helping Tomchei Shabbos reach their ever-growing budget.
In truth, Lakewood residents don’t need any added incentives to participate in the Annual Tomchei Shabbos Melave Malka. After all, Tomchei Shabbos is acknowledged as the Lakewood community’s primary address for helping financially challenged families to make ends meet. The organization is also renowned for exercising remarkable sensitivity and discretion, maintaining the dignity and privacy of recipients.
The Melave Malka will iy”H take place this coming motzo’ei Shabbos Parshas Mishpotim, at Ateres Chana Hall on Courtney Road. As always, the event will feature a sumptuous se’udas melave Malka and a streamlined but focused program. In addition to Rav Sonnenfeld’s address, participants will hear divrei p’sicha from the Nasi of Tomchei Shabbos, the Rosh HaYeshiva Rav Aryeh Malkiel Kotler shlit”a, as well as divrei brocha from Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen shlit”a. A special highlight of this year’s event will be zemiros by the Meshorarim Boys Choir and Dudi Knopfler.
Help support your own friends and neighbors while enjoying an uplifting and inspirational evening. This is one event you do not want to miss!
Are Ladies invited aswell?