UPDATED: Harav Simcha Bunim Cohen Shlita, the Rav of Ateres Yeshaya, has called on the Lakewood community to unify with Torah at this time of war in Eretz Yisroel, and has in response organized a ‘Yom Torah U’Tfillah’.
The event will be taking place this Sunday, July 27, at Ateres Yeshaya, 908 East County Line Road.
The program will run from 10:30 AM – 1:40 PM, and will focus on Inyanei Tisha B’av. The Learning will be followed by Tehillim and Divrei Chizuk by Harav Lazer Ginzburg Shlita of New York. The program will conclude with Mincha.
What gender is this for?
cc – U r obviously excused!
We need more Rabbanim like R’ Cohen who are not afraid to let people know what our job is in times like these.
Finally, I was wondering wen someone is gonna arrange some type of atzeres of some sort.
I hope the rabanim around town seconded this idea & urged their mispalelim to go to the Yom Torah U’Tefila. May it be a zchus for all of us.
Lakewood wake up!!! War going on with our brothers in Israel & seems like were sleeping here in Lakewood!
There will be Yom Kippur katan tomorrow SUNDAY at 1:45pm in Lakeview shul (2 Boulder Way) to daven for the soldiers and the rest of yidden living in Eretz Yisrael. Please join us and may Hashem listen to all of our tefillos!
Rally and prayers @ town square tomorrow Sunday 4 pm.
Please come show your support
Brookhill Estates Bais Nachum Shul will also be having an asifa with 6:30 mincha followed by tehillim. This was planned a week ago.