EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Looking for a Shidduch? Shiluach Ha’kan can help. So says Harav Chaim Kanievski Shlita. During Lakewood’s Yarchei Kallah last week led by the esteemed Magid Shiur Reb Lazer Apter Shlita, the group spent a day in Bnei Brak, vising some of the world’s biggest Gedolim.
One of the visits, were to Harav Chaim Kanievski, the son of the Steipler Gaon, to whom Reb Lazer Apter posed three questions.
One of the questions posed to the Gadol was based on a statement from Rav Kanievski in the Sefer ‘She’elas Rav’, where the Rav writes that a Segula to have a Ben Zachor, is to pay the tuition expenses of a Yasum (a child who lost a parent).
Based on that statement, Reb Apter asked the Rav if paying for the Yasum’s tuition is also a Segula for finding a Chasson, which Rav Apter explained is also a ‘Ben’.
The Rav chuckled, and so did the crowd, but the Rav instead offered an alternative Segula for finding a Shidduch, for both boys and girls.
“Shiluach Ha’kan”, Rav Chaim said.
Wishing to clarify the unexpected answer and seemingly unusual Segula, Rav Apter asked, “Iz ah Segulah Far ah Chosson?” (Is Shiluach Ha’kan a Segula for a Chosson?). To which Rav Chaim answered, “Far ah Shidduch”, adding, “Far ah Chosson un ah Kallah”.
Rav Apter asked further if paying for a Chasunah (for the poor) is also a Segula for a Shidduch, to which the Rav responded, “Efsher” (possibly).
Following the meeting, Rav Apter further clarified with the Rav that the father should be the one to perform the Mitzvah of Shluach Ha’kan. TLS.
(A full Yarchei Kallah roundup will be posted in the near future).
amazing article! very newsworthy!
Fyi, I’m looking for a segula on getting an opportunity to be mekayem the mitzvah of Sheluach Ha’kan 🙂
To TG:
Climb a tree, fall down and it will be a segula that you won’t make cynical comments anymore
Wow…seems like these choshuve baalei batim really packed it in! What a tremendous zechus! These are the people we should all be admiring. People who are kovea itim and take time to recharge and spend time immersed in ruchniyos. Rabbosai we are proud of you. Oh yes, sometimes a bit jealous too. But only because we would love to be there too. Chazak veematz.
To Reb Letz Rambo # 4,
Is this how you talk to others? by wishing injury upon them!??
Rachmona Litzlan fun azelchena!!
You obviously missed the boat big time on this one and are in need for some basic explaining:
The obvious point is that it’s a moiredike eitzah/segula for a shidduch.. but how often – or even better – when was the last time you heard of someone in Lakewood getting lucky enough to be mekayem this choshuve mitzvah???
So, if you’re aware of when/where I can chap arein this mitzvah – then by all means let me know asap!
By the way, talking nice to people is also a big segulah. You should try it 🙂
what is the segula for getting your kid in to school?
Sorry TG, but a letz is one who makes fun of something serious. B”H I have been mikayim the mitzvah of Shiluach Hakan many times – in Lakewood and other places. If you look at how you worded your original comment the implication was that you were making jest of segulahs. So: word your comments properly and be spared the wrath – not letzanus – of RebRambo. Oh – and do it with your smiley face.
“what is the segula for getting your kid in to school?”
turn straight to Hashem-not rav & rebbe’s-for help & you will lack nothing (Tehillim chapter 34)
when a person keeps his bitachon & emunah (faith & trust) in Hashem then everything in life works out
Hatzlacha rabba to all
RebRambo since you have the information, can you tell us how we can do this mitzva.?
RebRambo and TG would make excellent mechutonim.
WOW!! what an awesome zchus for those who organized and went on this fascinating trip !!!
I honestly find it amazing that even the most chashuv and pareve posts can be twisted an turned into negative comments! A positive outlook in life helps any area that you are deficient in (schools, money, etc.). Try it! May we all be zoche to simchas and yeshuos!